
Responses from jetter

About users with hidden agendas
The topic of this thread is About users with hidden agendas Disparaging comments about Audio Troy are off base. Audio Troy has never hidden that he is a dealer, professional salesperson, and has a wide range of products for sale he likes to ag... 
Mogami 2921 Bi wire vs Canare 4S11 Bi wire Opinions
Can't help you because I have not used the Mogami speaker cables, only the Canare.  While I am not using them at the present time, a search here will find that a number of users believe the Canare is a good not uber expensive cable.    
XLR question for bass
You have a great looking system and should not be having these problems. My troubleshooting recommendations would be: Plug your fantastic integrated directly into the wall receptacle. Find another source (turntable or CD or tuner) to input into ... 
Describe your preference in a single sentence
Not too much, not too little.  
Audio Research Refernce 75se
@mike30 It sounds like you have your bases covered. Have fun! But be careful.  
Audio Research Refernce 75se
@mike30 The best advice given so far was from @ghasley   If you are dead set on that direction, you might reach out to Paragon as they likely have some ref75se’s new in box for a little more than you are looking at preowned. It would have a warr... 
Audio Research I/50
There is no problem in general with manual bias.  To my way of thinking having to turn the unit upside down and taking the bottom off to reach the bias pots is prehistoric.  Even my 40 or 50 year old Dynaco ST70 has the bias adjustments performed ... 
Audio Research Refernce 75se
Probably why the party in question wants to sell it. ARC is subject to as many problems as any other brand but cost x times more to repair.  No practical experience, just my impression to what is written here.   Next someone who has had no proble... 
Peeking inside a Carver Crimson 275 Tube Amplifier
I just looked up Bob Carver's net worth on the net, $39.3 million.  Just a bit of information to add to the mix.  
聖HIJIRI Users thread
I wonder who actually manufactures the wire for them? I wonder this about many of the high-end brands.  
Thiel Cs 2.3 with neodium Tweeter of CS 2.4
You can contact this guy that used to work at Thiel and still does some repairs.  
In wall speaker help!
If sourcing cable from Blue Jeans, I MUCH preferred the Canare 4S11 over the Belden speaker cables, night and day difference, I still have both. In my system the Belden had the proverbial blanket over the speakers effect.  
The New Synergistic Research Purple Fuses
@bugredmachine  Thank you very much for the above information, it certainly helps.  Regarding physical size, the fuses are 5x20mm,  
The New Synergistic Research Purple Fuses
I certainly could use a little help. I have a Copland CTA 305 tube preamp made in Denmark.  There is nothing in the manual or online about fuse values.  I took out the two fuses and wrote down the values as: T2L 250v T1AL: 250v I don't see any... 
Peeking inside a Carver Crimson 275 Tube Amplifier
@funky54 A refrained and even keeled response and I compliment you on it.