
Responses from jetter

Ultimate stereo nightmare
Jasmine really is a beautiful name.    
McIntosh MX122 died- Need advice
Agree with yogi, first thing I thought..  
Ultimate stereo nightmare
Great news! But come on, inquiring minds want to know, what was the culprit?  No matter how simple, which most of this is?  
New MOFI speaker (Andrew Jones)
I am interested in these speakers and wondering if anyone new has received a pair and can give their impressions?   I may be just missing it, but seems the initial hype has subsided very quickly. @fsonicsmith @fsonicsmith1  Sorry to hear about yo... 
Has anyone lost a KEF tweeter?
Jerry But may people think doing technical stuff is for other people that they’d prefer to pay--implying that such stuff is beneath them. This may be more the way you think about it. I think most are thinking they 1) don’t want to void their w... 
PS Audio Aspen FR20: Planar Floorstanding Speakers
It’s been written before, but whoever thought up the exterior design of this speaker certainly did not share the same sense of style of anyone I know. I see it losing sales to those whose audio equipment needs to be integrated into their daily li... 
New MOFI speaker (Andrew Jones)
@fsonicsmith @fsonicsmith1 Off topic, but just noticed similarity of familiar name and wondering if you are you the same or two different people.  
New Rel Carbon Special Sub “Roars” when there is no signal!
@nyev  I am sorry to say this to you.  But you purchased a premium subwoofer and are having a problem I have never heard of before.  Time to buy new connector wires (know you switched left to right) and see if problem goes away.   If it doesn't,... 
New Project RS2T transport
Sounds like your right.  
Peachtree GaN 1 Beta
I would purchase anything that atmasphere sells without hesitation. Insinuating that the design Ralph took years to create can be improved by applying a laundry list of mods sounds really off base. And I think that anyone implying that the vast ... 
New Project RS2T transport
Two years in they have just identified the problem.  Sounds like a bit of casualty control.  
New Rel Carbon Special Sub “Roars” when there is no signal!
I would switch the right sub to the left including all of the connecting wires and see if the same thing happens.  How is EMI impacting the sub, is it through the subs remote control function, or somehow through one of the wires connecting the spe... 
Sad to hear the good people at Timbernation had a fire (and no insurance).
With the extra money, maybe looking into some coverage would be in order, unless Chris doesn’t believe in that kind of thing. Every business, every residence should carry fire insurance when available.     
Looking for a McIntosh amp that gives a great example of the “McIntosh Sound”
@stereo5 Actually up here in Vermont there was only one shop that sold McIntosh (before they closed shop).  I was there speaker shopping and I went to listen to a pair of Dynaudios and they were being powered by a MC275 as I remember, and a pre I ... 
Looking for a McIntosh amp that gives a great example of the “McIntosh Sound”
Many years ago I briefly heard a MC275 with a pair of Dynaudios.  So unfamiliar amp and unfamiliar speakers. No way to tell what was what. Could someone in the know kindly explain what the McIntosh sound is, can't say I have ever heard an explana...