
Responses from jetter

Speaker of My House…!
I have not seen or heard these speakers. I don’t judge anything by you tube videos, but uncharacteristically, somehow, the sound of these new Qualio speakers came through, especially on the first Patricia Barber tune. I have to say that although t... 
Help. System sounds thin and bright or harsh
@cymivka Somehow I sound like the contrarian here, but I don’t wish to. I was just wondering if you don’t happen to have an old receiver or such that you can put in your system just to verify your findings that the amp is to blame?  I think that... 
Help. System sounds thin and bright or harsh
@cymivka I have not reread everything, so I am going from memory if I write something already mentioned.   First, try another pair of speakers before hauling your amp off for repairs.  From what I have read pass gear is fairly bulletproof.  We're... 
@edward320 I would be interested in knowing how it all works out.  Please do a follow up when you get it all figured out.  
Help. System sounds thin and bright or harsh
My guess is that there is a setting somewhere in the preamp or Oppo that is completely not obvious and takes diving into several settings/screens to get to that was accidentally set. Just wondering, you don't think this has anything to do with th... 
Network optimization for serious streamers
Can’t be tapping trees when it’s 16 degrees out. Already a foot of snow on the ground and another seven expected tonight. Pretty much business as usual here. You all got hit pretty hard last winter, hope there is no repeat of that.      
Network optimization for serious streamers
@fredrik222 @jerryg123 I see both you boys are from Texas. Maybe you two could take it outside and settle it. My money is on fredrik.  
Sorry jw, I see now. Skipped through the thread a while ago and assumed you were using the PD switching power supply.  
@jw944ts  PD creative does not make a 120v linear power supply for the Node 2 and 2i at this time.  The person I spoke with on their customer service line indicated that they hope to come out with a 120v LPS during first quarter 2023.  
@edward320  If you could add a further description of what happened to your driver it would help.  Is it that the surround was damaged?  If so can you just have it reconed? But WHATEVER is wrong with it, the premier speaker repair service in my ... 
How much should I spend on a new DAC
@yyzsantabarbara Thanks for the information, very helpful. I just put in an order for a Wireworld acrylic toslink cable to see for myself and assuming I like it will move up to the Wireworld glass toslink.  
How much should I spend on a new DAC
Sorry to go off topic, but would anyone explain if using a toslink cable between the streamer and DAC eliminates or reduces unwanted artifacts from the power supply (switching in my streamer’s case) and other network induced noise? What are the d... 
Don’t buy used McCormack DNA 1990s amps
@kchamber Ah, I see, thanks for the clarification. Was the repair you performed on the "self destructing" motherboard that was more or less the subject of this OP or something else?  
Don’t buy used McCormack DNA 1990s amps
@kchamber Just a bit of curiosity.  You mention in your post above that you did not go the $1,600 route, but that CJ is working on your amps.  Do you mind mentioning what route CJ is taking in updating your amps?  
Audio Research Reference 150 - buzzing input transformer
@filipm  I'd like some advice what to check so I can listen to it with ease.  Perhaps the individual repairing your amp can give you an educated guess of what caused your problem and recommend how to avoid a similar occurrence.  From your des...