

Responses from jeffreybehr

Best equip stands
The owner of Mapleshade certainly makes some claims about the use of maple as a very effective coupling material. He has some gorgeous, VERY impressive equipment racks... http://www.mapleshaderecords.com/tweaks/samson.php ...that I'll soon be copy... 
Exposed metal on cable ends
Yes it's OK for them to touch; each pair is grounded at the equipment they're plugged into.. 
"High Current"
All good answers so far, IMO. Do understand that solidstate amps, because of their VERY-low output impedance, are 'constant-voltage' devices, varying current delivery as load impedance changes. 'ANY' SS amp can double power as impedance halves, ag... 
Quad 989s--personal experience and opinions?
I certainly agree with getting them away from the wall behind them--having them 6 feet sounds lots better than having them 4' away. Mine are yards away from the side walls--my room is 2' wider than deep.They now have SO MUCH depth to the soundstag... 
Quad 989s--personal experience and opinions?
My 2 days of moving equipment was more about moving the sitting position to the rear off a bass-null point and then 'chasing' the listening position with the equipment.Sounds great now. The 100-Watts-in-ultralinear tubed amps drive them very well.... 
Quad 989s--personal experience and opinions?
I bought a 'just-a-few-months-old' used pair in Vintage. So far I love them, altho I'm having to move everything farther from the front wall to get the stage depth I know they'll produce. The c-j Premier Eleven-A seems to have plenty of power, as ... 
Here we go again ... driving B&W N802s
Another highly-respected-but-now-out-of-highly-emotional-favor equipment line is Proceed. Their 'HPA' amps are rated at 250/C/8 and 500/C/4 and are available in 2- or 3-channel versions. Each channel in the amp has its own toroidal power transform... 
Does the power of an amplifier really matter?
Number1, yours is a dilemma common to many of us.There are no easy answers in spite of what the measurists would have you believe. The ability to maintain voltage in the face of low impedances...IOW the ability to deliver high current...probably i... 
Does the power of an amplifier really matter?
To Pabelson--WOW, a highly intelligent and thoughtful response. I was thinking along the same lines but you said it first and VERY well.To Elevick--if your '...around 89db' is intended to address a sort-of-average speaker's sensitivity, don't forg... 
RIAA equalization
Equalization in recording processes, generally, is used to reduce, in playback, the noise of the playback medium. For both LPs and tape, the highs are boosted in the recording process and cut in playback. The tape and LP-surface noise is thereby r... 
musical fidelity/conrad johnson - chan separation
You do not need to be concerned about this channel-separation spec.; just listen carefully.Conrad-johnson doesn't make a 'p 14' so perhaps you mean the PV14L2? If so, its s/n ratio is 98dB re 2.5v. out. If you mean Premier Fourteen, its s/n ratio ... 
What is "biwiring"?
Audioqest calls it single or double biwiring when using a single or a double cable. Most of AQ's speaker cables use multiple conductors of different gage, which make it fairly easy to single-biwire. Their most-common conductor sizes are 16-, 18-, ... 
RFI or Capacitor issue?
Does the noise change channels when you switch input cables?Does the noise change when you gently rock/rotate each tube?. 
Does anyone rember how to calculate impedance?
Here's the easy way to calculate resistances in parallel--use this http://www.1728.com/resistrs.htm site. Lots easier than having to use one's brain.Speaker systems do NOT sound good when connected in series. I believe it has to do with all the si... 
Oooops Just got caught...
Hmm...thought you were talking about something more personal.Mine just smiles...she knows I'm wacko..