

Responses from jeffreybehr

bridging a b&k st202 to mono
"Running the channels in parallel to the same voice coil requires massive circuit re-working, much more than the simple circuit required for bridging."Huh? One simply parallels the 2 inputs and the 2 outputs. No circuitry required, as there is for... 
bridging a b&k st202 to mono
Maybe so, Sean, but its 2 channels can always be paralleled, for double rated maximum power while maintaining its inherent ability to deliver hi current--which DOESN'T happen when bridging 2 channels of a SS amp.. 
What is "biwiring"?
"It is a definite advantage to split the signal at the amp end and it is a must to use the same brand cable. Sounds like AQ are talking out of the wrong hole here. For the same reason that you must use the same length you must use the same cable. ... 
I've got a hum in my Sunfire sub.....
Try floating the ground pin of the powercord. 
Best Amp for Quad 989's?
MFA (Moore, Franklin & Associates)...wow, haven't read anything about Bruce and Scott's stuff for a long time. I was an MFA dealer (Two Jeffreys Audio) in the mid-'80s and sold a few pieces. They were VERY well designed with octal-base fronten... 
Universal Players that do not convert DSD to PCM?
One can read the manufacturer's description. I know the Denon 2900 does not convert DSD to PCM.. 
What is "biwiring"?
"I have a set of B&W CM4 speakers and a center CMC speaker. They all have 2 sets of terminals; my dealer did not explain anything to me about "bi-wiring," [SIC] he just said that "true audiophiles" (?!?) just use the lower terminals..."Sounds ... 
Best Amp for Quad 989's?
...or the Berning ZH270??http://www.davidberning.com/zh270.htm. 
Best Amp for Quad 989's?
I have a pair of 989s in a room that's about 21 x 19' and about 3200 cubic feet. I've had them only about 2 months. I am NOT a golden-eared audiofile, but I still hear and love the 989s' transparency...'see-thru-edness'...and cohesion, their all-t... 
Using 120V amp in a 100V area
I was letting someone else answer this, but...One effect of running a 120v. amp on 100v. will be c. 1/6 lower maximum power. Another will be incorrect bias voltages/currents. A technician (or perhaps you) can adjust the biases. At 100v. I THINK yo... 
Marantz VA9000 connect to SACD?
I have an AV9000. Certainly there's a way to connect an SACD player to it. Did you read the manual?Buy a 6-pack of analog interconnect and use it to connect the 6 analog outputs of the player to the 4 Bypass Inputs of the 9000. The L/R pair go to ... 
Watts - Volts and Resistance
The '535' and '675' must be power-CONSUMPTION amounts. The '4 Ohm Max.' must mean that power compumption is while the unit is delivering maximum power into 4-Ohm speakers.Those numbers have nothing do to with the audio-power output.Why not connect... 
Speaker cable vs. interconnect cable length
Icsi, SEARCH and read. There are probably-millions of words in the 'goN about interconnects.. 
Speaker cable vs. interconnect cable length
Icsi, I too am in the short-speaker, long-interconnect camp. My $285/foot AQ speakercable is 4 feet long. My interconnects are longer. But then the cable to the surround speakers is about 30 feet long.However there are some audiofiles/fools (I'm i... 
What is "biwiring"?
Newbee: "Plamenz, Your amps would have to have the same input sensitivity to function properly."Well, sort of. The input sensitivity has to be the same for the same power output. Some reviewers (but virtually no manufacturers) test and publish inp...