

Responses from jeffreybehr

Audioquest cables: replace the DBS Battery pack.
Kid, AQ's DBS system is patented, or at least a patent is pending.And Audiofire, just because YOUR dealer (and, apparently, Audiofire5228, too) can't hear the improvements brought by the DBS system doesn't mean it doesn't work.. 
Audioquest cables: replace the DBS Battery pack.
Yes you can replace/upgrade them. Audioquest sells them.. 
What caps to use in my Cd player?
Read Michael Percy's explanations in the Black Gate section of this http://www.percyaudio.com/Catalog.pdf .. 
Good In-Ceiling Speakers??
I've been using a pair from Bay Audio for many years. I bought them at a retailer of high-end audio/video stuff after auditioning MANY. I recently moved them and discovered one bass/MR driver was scratchy. I called Bay asking about buying one. Eve... 
Re-biasing a CJ Premier 8
If you're about to spend a perhaps over a thousand dollars on tubes, spend a few bucks on the recent issue of 'Vacuum Tube Valley' that has MUCH info on new and old 6550s/KT88s/KT90s.A 2-amp set of Ei KT90s from The Tube Depot would be $560.. 
Re-biasing a CJ Premier 8
I'd be surprised if c-j is selling their presumed-selected-and-burned-in 6550s for less than the $70 per pair you can buy Ei KT90s for.. 
Re-biasing a CJ Premier 8
I used Ei KT90s in my Elevens very succesfully. They seem to be loved by many.Enjoy your Eights; they're fabulous ampsBTW, I think you meant 'retubing'.. 
Better than AQ Midnight + Speaker Cables?
So you like the way they're colored but you'd like them to be colored a different way?Sounds to me as if you need a tone control, not better/different speakercable.. 
Bi-Wiring with different lenghts?
Digital, altho the very-minor negative effect of running different lengths to the 2 parts of the speaker would be inaudible to most of us, I suppose some top-1%-golden-eared 'audiofreak' could hear it...but if it sounds better to you, live it up!B... 
16 ohm speakers: Pros & cons
Snofun3: "Ohm rating is not an indication of goodness or badness, it's a measure of driver efficiency.A 16 ohm speaker will take more amp power to drive."Right, wrong, and wrong.Absolutely, nominal impedance is NOT a qualitative measure of a speak... 
Anybody Heard Tyler Acoustic Woodmeres?
Kjl: "The Quad 988 does offer much. But it is missing dynamic contrasts. They also smooth out drums and tambourines . For instance, in a Tchaikovsky piece "Capricio Italien", there are many instances where the tamborines when hit are softened on t... 
Anybody Heard Tyler Acoustic Woodmeres?
Other than lack of bass extention, what don't you like about the sound of your 988s? I have 989s and LOVE them. They play a little louder overall than the 988s and have another half-octave or so of bass extention and power. IOW, in the bottom 2 oc... 
1st,2nd,3rd order crossovers,etc
Lots of info already here on that. SEARCH, my friend.. 
ready to drop the hammer an a new hk avr235
Why would you want to hit it with a hammer?. 
SACD's to stay away from
First, I disagree with Macdadtexas about DVD-A. My experience, all Classical BTW, is the opposite--ie DVD-As generally sound better than SACDs...BUT...both CAN sound fabulous!Here are some I've bought and put quickly in my SELL stack:1. Williams--...