
Responses from jcbtubes

Conrad Johnson DA2b... "Is it the Tubes?
Adam- Given the rest of your system, I don't believe that the CJ DAC (and to a lesser degree the PD-65) are your best choices. Though I like many of CJ's products, their DACs require a lot of modifications, including better tubes, to sound great. ... 
Power Cord Preferances
I agree with Brulee. The FIM GOLD is incredible, but is very stiff. If you have the room around the equipment for sweeping bends and the patience to manipulate cables as required, then give FIM a listen. I don't believe you'll be disappointed. 
Top Ten Speaker Cables of all time?...
To date, the FIM GOLD wins in my system hands down. 
what are the best 4 ohms speakers out??
Eantala- In response to your last question, checkout Coincident Speaker Technology for high efficiency, great sounding speakers. www.coincidentspeaker.comThey might float your boat!Goodluck 
Some cable advice for this system
As Cornfedboy stated, you'll have a tough time finding anything better than FIM cables (don't forget power cords too for your system!). If you're on the East Coast, I'd suggest giving eAudioNet a call as I know Li(?) does allow auditioning. If you... 
Sonus Faber or not??
As far as "weak bass", the Extrema is a very amplifier demanding speaker. As expected, you get great lower midrange on up with tubes on this speaker, but the bottom-end would prefer solidstate for maximum control and authority. You'll have to deci... 
Top Ten Interconnects of all time...
FIM GOLD, Coincident, and Kimber Select "Black Pearl". The KS "BP" is a bit more system dependent because of the tendency to move the center image further back behind the plane of the speakers, but it's unsurpassed in certain areas. The Coincident... 
really small speakers less than 500
It's difficult to get any smaller than the Gallo speakers. They're about the size of a softball. 
Audio Research vs. Aragon
It seems the issue is one of sound quality vs. convenience (the ability to hide the amp in a rack). If you're serious about sound quality, then obviously the ARC. 
CD players, 5-6K
Look into the Gryphon or the Electrocompaniet EMC-1. These will give even the best separates a run for their money. I own top Goldmund, and I was quite impressed with the performance of both the Gryphon and the EMC-1. Goodluck. 
Speaker wire is it science or psychology
Stevemj- "I am all ears". It appears that you are anything but that. Your need to have validation from someone else on such a personal, subjective experience as audio is quite revealing. It is unfortunate that you don't trust your own ability to p... 
FIM Gold Power Cords Problems?
I completely agree with Mikeam and Brulee. FIM is the finest cable I've owned. 
Silver or copper cables?
Stevemj- There are many theories put forth by manufacturers, though few have adequate analysis to convince someone such as yourself (I've seen a couple of your posts). In the end, it's only relevant to YOU as to which magazine or accepted scientif... 
FIM silver speaker cables
Cantor- I can't disagree more strongly with Stevemj. I highly recommend FIM cables. I use the FIM Gold series in my audio system (also SET) and will be getting FIM Silver for my video system in the not too distant future. They are quite stiff and ... 
Cary Cabling
I'm running FIM Gold speaker cable (double runs for biwire) and FIM Gold power cords with my modified Cary 805c. Absolutely amazing! Since I have a rather long run from my preamp to amps, I'm using Coincident IC, and Kimber Select Silver from DAC ...