Responses from jcbtubes
Active or passive preamps? Kitty- Checkout Michael Percy Audio at (415) 669-7181 for passive components and kits, and active kits for the DIY. I've used both types in my audio past, but always end up back with active (tube) pre-amps. However, the cost of a great tube pre-am... | |
next step in upgrade - - pre-amp ? Avitar- I'd look into the B&K Ref tuner/pre/processor. It would cover all of your interests in one product and is quite good for audio only applications. A good pre-amp and separate processor will likely run more $ and take up more space. Just... | |
Tubes in Audio Research Equipment: 6550 Wolzst- I think you'll find that most current tube amps are far more neutral than tube amps of the past. Better passive components have allowed designers to obtain far more detail and control from recent tube equipment. Of course, most tube produc... | |
F I M Speaker Cables Sdrc- Thanks for the detailed explanation. Given the rather unique failure mode, it's no wonder that it took many tweeters before the problem was realized. In retrospect, the "pulled the components off center" should have been a clue that the powe... | |
Spectral Phono Section vs. External one! Jade- The phono section of the Spectral 20 is outstanding! You would be hard pressed to do better without spending big bucks (aesthetix io). As for external tube phono stages, they should be fine with a Spectral pre-amp though certainly not what S... | |
Vote for the best speakers in 10K range Checkout the Venture speaker line. The importer I believe is Precision A/V in Moorpark,CA. Not only are they beautiful to behold, but sonically amazing. After 15 years of ESL speakers, they were the first dynamic speaker to convert me. Goodluck. | |
Power Distributon - "More Plugs" Sndsel- Before you call it "questionable", I'd suggest that you listen to some hi-end power cords first, specifically Shunyata King Cobra or FIM Gold power cords. If you have a high caliber audio system, the improvement is obvious. The cost may be... | |
F I M Speaker Cables Sdrc- It is certainly regrettable about the problems that you've encountered using the FIM cables. Obviously, it was a poor choice given the customer's application or installation limitations. Certainly, if the equipment is to be moved around or n... | |
send the electrician !!! Piezo- I've had very good results with long (27 ft) Coincident Speaker Technology ICs. They take three to four weeks to burn-in, but quite good for the money. Goodluck. | |
F I M Speaker Cables Accel- I'm living with two pair of FIM Gold speaker cables for bi-wiring. As Sdrconsultant has stated, the speaker cables are VERY stiff and could easily lift light weight components! Of course, that's why you must pre-form the cables to eliminate... | |
P. Scan DVD Players and HDTV-ready TV's Dovetail- I have the DV-37 and the Elite Pro610. The progressive output of the DV-37 is better than using the built-in line doubler of the Elite Pro. Yes, it is closer than with other sets, but the DVD progressive output is preferrable. As for wai... | |
King Cobra vs. FIM ????? Marklivia- I, too, have lived with the KC and the FIM Gold powercords. Each is a great product. With that said, the FIM is the most "universal" in that it can (and should) be used throughout a system. The KC (v1 or v2) is best used on frontend equ... | |
Help learn diff.between SS and Tube Cornfed- Thanks for the info on your system and audio experiences with ss. I certainly have a greater understanding and appreciation of your point of reference. Though our equipment preferences differ, we do share the same passion. That's what mak... | |
Newbie to HT - Optical vs Digital Coax Scot - If I were you, I wouldn't worry about it. Plug in the optical cable and enjoy. Are there sonic differences? It really depends on the rest of your system as to whether those differences will even be noticeable. Yes, there are differences, bu... | |
Any good.... JPS Mr. Samuel- As you will note, I did NOT intend to single you out in my previous response as you weren't the only participant on this thread. It was the general tenor of the responses that caused my retort. If I read more into the comments than int... |