
Responses from jbrrp1

Looking for suggestions
I think you mean "gentle", right?  Not "gentile" ;-) 
Lampizator Big7 as a preamp
Try the Psvane 101D WE replicas if you want better detail resolution while still keeping the musicality.  That's where I went with my Big 7, and I never found a 300B in it that I liked.  Just my experience.  The tubes do make very important differ... 
Power Cords - Equipment Priority?
On every power conditioner I have tried, including my current PS Audio P20 regenerator, I have found the cord from the outlet to the conditioner to be very important.  Prior to the P20, I had always found that putting my best cord between wall and... 
Magnepan needs your help
Ditto on Mpls/St. Paul.  Seems pretty obvious as a place to start... 
[Just for fun] Favorite Thread Derailleurs
Derailleurs?!?  You've got to be kidding me!  You really must try a Rohloff internal geared hub with a Rohbox shifter to go with your brifters.  Keep all of the good stuff out of the way of grit, grime, and stuff.  You will thank me later! 
30 Amplifiers Totaling $428,740.00 In Search of Audio Nirvana
Hey, I never accused you of a Quid Pro Quo.  Now, about that favor you were interested in.....Well, my favor to ask is, which one proved to be your favorite, and why? 
Lampizator Big7 as a preamp
I moved from the BADA DAC II to the Lampizator Big 7 with volume control, and it was so much better in every parameter, IME.   I think you will only enjoy your music's sound that much more.  And the ability to tune the sound by rolling the tubes i... 
$30K DAC in a $70K system - wise or ridiculous?
@mtdining  I'm curious about your comparative comment about Pacific vs. Rossini.  Have you had both in your system for comparison? 
Power Cords - Equipment Priority?
@boxer12  +1  Power cords have been the most important cable in three different system configurations in a  row for me (basically since I really started trying them in earnest).  Power cords and conditioning are one of the key fundamentals for sys... 
Lamzator Amber 2 DAC
No direct experience rolling in that DAC (but I have on three other Lampi DAC's).  I'd recommend you check out the Lampizator group over at audiocircle's website.  I found it a wealth of tube rolling experience for the ones I was working with.  En... 
Slight speaker white noise from hybrid BHK 300 monos and BHK pre normal?
I run both the BHK pre and the BHK 300's and I have this tube rush noise.  I had it pretty badly with one pair of Amperex 7308 tubes on the pre that just didn't age well (started out quiet enough, but got really noisy in aboout 6 months' time).  A... 
Luxman M900U vs Ps audio BHK 300’s
Thanks for the tip.  I live in Minnesota, so it would be a bit of a trip to go there, but at least I know.  The Luxman website doesn't help in the least in identifying dealers, nor does the US importers, near as I can tell.  I sent them an email f... 
Luxman M900U vs Ps audio BHK 300’s
@yyzsantabarbara Interesting.  I have not heard the ME1 to compare with my CR-1's, but I'm guessing they share a comparable presentation.  I do think it would be worth my while to hear the M900u in my system.  I just wish it were more convenient.... 
Luxman M900U vs Ps audio BHK 300’s
@blumartini Thanks for your comments!  Without sidetracking too much, yes, I love the Lampizator Pacific DAC, and the line in general.  I had the Big 7 and Golden Gate prior, so I clearly resonate with Lukasz's sonic priorities.Onto the amps, I am... 
Luxman M900U vs Ps audio BHK 300’s
@blumartini I have been hoping to hear such a comparison, as well, and have this thread on my "watch" list.  Like Mike, I also own BHK 300 mono's, and am contemplating an amp upgrade, with the Luxman M900u on my short list, so can I jump in for yo...