
Responses from jbrrp1

Interesting study
I and many other fellow bike commuters have known this from years of observation - - didn't did the corroborating study.  Expensive car drivers seem to have very poor vision around bicyclists, for some reason.... 
unman M-900u for Focal Sopras 2 and 3
That could be an interesting amp to try.  I bought a Pass Labs XA 30.8 for use with some high sensitivity speakers, and also I tried it out with the TAD's.  It was a bit warmer and "gauzier" in the upper bass, low mids than I would like, and it se... 
unman M-900u for Focal Sopras 2 and 3
I've run an M900u on my TAD CR-1's and it gets them plenty loud (86 dB/2.83V/m).  Prior to that I was using the BHK 300 Mono's, and I have not felt volume constraint.  Now, they are not the best match for the TAD's, tonally (too light and zippy in... 
Can you tell me why I didn't like the Reference 3a MM's?
The high, tight corner placement is likely problematic with the Ref 3A's.  I sold mine because my wife finally insisted that I put them back very close to the wall in our living room, and that was not enough for the rear porting to work.  The uppe... 
Can you tell me why I didn't like the Reference 3a MM's?
I am a bit surprised at your reaction to the Ref 3 speakers, as my experience with them is quite different than yours.  I ran a pair of de Capo i's for several years with a 35 W tube integrated (Primaluna Dialogue One), and I loved the sound.  The... 
Seeking Consultant/Designer for Acoustic Treatment of Room
Sure.  I live in Minneapolis, my room is 22.5' x 14.75' x 7.75'.  I built it with double layers of 5/8" sheet rock and Green Glue applied in a sandwich, and used excellent acoustical isolation around all fixtures, sockets, etc. so there is very li... 
Best Tubes for VAC
I ran both in a prior system incarnation, albeit the original Ren Sig IIa, not SE.  My IIa only had 8416's as the line stage tube, so I couldn't roll, and there is only one 8416, so no flavors to try (the 12AU7's are used as tube buffers for the t... 
Amplitrex AT1000
TC Tubes operates one if you are looking to have some tubes tested.  I bought their testing services for a pile of specialty tubes where I could not test with my oldie. 
Love it when it snows
Wow, millercarbon.  You are in earnest, it seems - - I had assumed you were just trying to be cheeky.Geof's point is pretty spot on.  And having lived one climate locale for 60 years, I can tell you Minneapolis has certainly changed for the warmer... 
Love it when it snows
When we get consistent snow I am reminded how much there is to love about winter.  It used to be my favorite season for some decades.  The warming trend has spoiled some of our snow patterns most years it seems (in Minneapolis, MN area).I love see... 
Tad CR1's or Blade 1's
@emailists  Yep, I guess I've grown to join your take.  I have increasingly gravitated toward high resolution, with tubes used to temper things.  I used to be very solidly in the tube/forgiving camp, and it just renders too many recordings sonical... 
Luxman M900u stereo vs Mono setup
@hiendmmoe   Where have you heard that comparison between stereo and mono?  I would love to read such an evaluation.  Thanks! 
Luxman M900u stereo vs Mono setup
Hmmm....   I would not fault the Luxman for transient impact and precision, IME.  They seem to bring out all of the startle from my beryllium mid/tweets.  That's part of their attraction, I find. 
Luxman M900u stereo vs Mono setup
I certainly agree that a 4 ohm load shouldn't cause a difficulty for the Luxman amp, in theory, and that is part of the puzzle.  I have not moved speakers even a mm, just subbed in the Luxman for the BHK mono amps and I hear this difference in bas... 
Luxman M900u stereo vs Mono setup
I'd be interested to hear someone's comparison, too.  I run TAD CR-1's, and recently acquired an M900u to try with them in place of the PS Audio BHK 300 mono's that I have been using.  The stereo Luxman amp is bringing some clear virtues in the mi...