
Responses from jazzman7

Streaming transport recommendations
Musicairo,I've had the Melco in my system for 3 years now.  Had first heard it a year or so earlier at a seminar hosted by my longtime trusted local dealer and was very impressed.  Tight fisted audiophile that I am, purchased my N1A at a considera... 
Streaming transport recommendations
In your shoes I'd be looking at the Melco and Innuos offerings.I own a Melco N1A.  I've used it with a Chord Qutest via Curious USB cable.  Superb results streaming from my own personal library of uncompressed Flacs, that is where the Melco shines... 
Question on how DAC’s work...
larry5729,if you are using a Bluesound Node of any generation, be it first gen Node N100, 2nd gen Node 2, or 3rd gen Node 2i, as just a renderer connected via its digital output, be it Toslink or Coax, the Bluesound Node acting as renderer will do... 
Thiel Owners
Arvin, I think you've expressed the real joy of this hobby.  The personal satisfaction of a carefully crafted system, where the pieces have been assembled in a pains taking fashion over time, in many cases over many, many years.  The special bliss... 
Question on how DAC’s work...
larry5729.Please see my earlier post in this thread. Via its digital outs, be it Toslink or Coax, Bluesound kit, even first generation Bluesound kit will unfold MQA all the way to 96K when hooked up to a non MQA DAC.To my knowledge, the current st... 
Question on how DAC’s work...
Arvin,I have 4 pieces of Bluesound kit in the house, a couple of first generation Node N100 players, a first generation Node N150 streaming Amp and a Node 2i.   I’ve used both the N100 and Node 2i pieces with external DACs, in which case both piec... 
Thiel Owners
oblgnyFWIW ... I too find SQ of Qobuz to be marginally better than Tidal. I have nothing against MQA streamed from Tidal, but there is also something nice about being able to stream in Hi Res at native resolution via Qobuz.I too hope your 2.4 spea... 
Digiital source material: what do people do/makes the most sense...
My pick would be B. add one streaming service + buy occasional CDs.I did Tidal for about 5 years before more recently switching over to Qobuz    I still buy the occasional CD which I then rip as an uncompressed Flac.  As you can guess from my ha... 
Streaming For Beginners
From looking at pictures of the rear of the Lexicon DC-2, you have available both audio RCA style analog inputs as well as digital spidif style digital inputs.  The spidif inputs make use of the DC-2's DAC, the audio RCA inputs need to make use of... 
Streaming For Beginners
+1 for Bluesound Node 2i as a great place to start with the idea of stepping up to a better outboard DAC down the road if you really get into it.  But to really take advantage of it, I suggest subscribing to a good lossless streaming service like ... 
Thiel Owners
Worked for Playback back in 1975-1976 while still in school.  We had Cerwin Vegas in the store.  Needed next to nothing to light them up.   Could power them up with just about anything .... and we did. 
Thiel Owners
The opposite of Thiel - based on my memory dating back to the 1970's ... how about Cerwin Vega 
Move to the next level
@gelle,I think that if I was in your shoes I'd start with the DAC, but recognize that the USB Cable which is an important component in and of itself may be a limiting factor. It's all about synergy and everything matters. That being said, all thin... 
Move to the next level
@gelle with that type of budget my personal first choice would be the combination of the Chord Qutest and the Curious USB Cable for use with the Roon Nucleus. That is what I am using in my main rig. Having said that, your budget gives you plenty o... 
Move to the next level
@gelle  what is your budget and what are you currently using for a USB Cable.