
Responses from jax2

Ceiling Height
You didn't specify whether it was a finished basement. If your room dimensions are less than ideal for the ceiling height it was recently suggested to me that leaving the beams exposed, installing a good padded insulation, and covering the whole t... 
Questions for Soliloquy fans
I have not heard the 6.2 or 6.3's to compare, but do have and love the 5.3's. According to, I think it was the Stereophile review (which is online if you do a bit a searching), the 6.2's occured to the reviewer as a bit more musical sounding at th... 
Recommend new floorstanding around $1500/pr please
Second, third, etc. Soliloquy. 5.3's are also an excellent choice and may still be available at a song before they run out. Underwoodwally is a great source for Soliloquy. Soliloquy's website is here, and you can find Underwood HiFi Here - also on... 
Tube Shelf Life
If your old tubes start passing gas, believe me, you'll know it if you're in the same room. Just keep them away from the dried fruit and legumes and you'll be fine.Marco 
Your favorite recent discovery
If you enjoy Lhasa, definitely also give the Portugese band, Madredeus, a try. A good place to start with them is the album Ainda, which is the soundtrack from the Wim Wenders film, "A Lisbon Story". 
Your favorite recent discovery
Pollywog - Lhasa is WONDERFUL!! Get her first album as well. You will NOT be disappointed!!Marco 
Best Bike to ride before a good listening session
Screw the pedals; BMW R1XXXGS! Don't forget the earplugs if you're making it a long ride! And make sure to get off those paved roads once or twice!Marco 
Biasing for new tube
Mmaudio - As I understand it, any current/signal/input at the terminals may alter the readings. Some folks recommend simply turning the volume all the way down on the preamp, or shutting it off. I've was taught that the safest way was to simply re... 
recommend a good computer and digital camera?
Absolutely, though I can't guarantee exactly where the hair will grow. The Cary hairpiece idea sounds great except that if they were in a hurry, your friends may forget to unplug all the cords before donning the piece. I've heard that strapping an... 
NHT 3.3 or von Scheikert VR4
Absolutely agree on the awkward and narrow footprint, but that's where my agreement ends as far as the construction of the speakers go. Sound pretty spectacular in my friend's system, and I'm not even an SS fan. Never heard the VR4's though (as I ... 
NHT 3.3 or von Scheikert VR4
Timo - you can't be serious....or else you have not seen a pair of 3.3's up close and personal. They are anything but 'cheesy' IMHO. I have no experience with the rest of their line to speculate as to whether you may be referring to NHT's in gener... 
Speakers similar to Avantgarde horn
HUH?! The Quad ESL 988 is a great speaker for sure, but it's not a horn, nor does it sound like a horn. You may want to listen to a pair first if your expectations are set around the sound of horn speakers. The ideal amplification for each of thos... 
Time to reflect - why do you post on Audiogon.....
Not to worry Youjames, now that you've seen the light, or rather the glow, you will always have that warm fuzzy feeling of the presence of tubes deep inside you. Those tubes that ran off to VTL ain't comin' back. In fact there is no "upgrade" depa... 
Time to reflect - why do you post on Audiogon.....
Ohlala - I tend to liken it more to watching a car crash and being in it at the same time. Whenever I go back and read my old posts I wonder why they keep allowing me to post anything here at all!? I haven't changed a bit. It's hopeless. Gee, I'm ... 
Biasing for new tube
Yes you should certainly re-bias installing a brand new tube in your tetrode amplifier. Your amp does have a bias setting for each tube. You may want to turn down the bias setting on the new tube before turning it on just to be on the safe side, t...