
Responses from jax2

Advice on integrated tube amps
Wow, you've got relatives (as in more than one) with tube amps?! Cool! I think Dynaudio's require muscle, as Peter_S said. In addition to his Rogue recommendation you may be able to find a used Mesa Baron which would fit the bill. Pretty heavy tho... 
What's your latest "Discovery"
Hey Rene - Nice of you to notice...I have not had much time to post recently because we've been working on a major renovation of our house since August 1 (actually well before, but the pros took over then). Anyone who's been through a major renova... 
There's a sucker born every minute
I GOTS'TA GIT ME ONE OF THOSE!!!! I always wondered where all that sound was going! It's been stuck in those damn corners, all along, with no place to resonate or bounce out. Probably causing unsightly stains that'll never come out. Those nasty so... 
OLD tubes or NEW tubes. scott vs. jolida
If you want more information than you can take in on HH Scott components, go to the HH Scott Website which has a ton of information and links.For restorations and custom restored Scott amps you may also try Craig Ostby who specializes in just that... 
OLD tubes or NEW tubes. scott vs. jolida
Either would be an excellent choice, but the Scott will likely be a more demanding unit in terms of maintenance, being about 45 years old. If the Scott is original there it could likely stand for some improvement via an overhaul (refurbish). From ... 
What's your latest "Discovery"
Hey Rene- Thanks, I've been enjoying this one too as it is a steady source for new material. Glad you looked into the Fado again...great stuff! Here's a few more recent discoveries that I've been introduced to in the past few months:My jazz-loving... 
Best Source for Replacement/Upgrade Tubes??
I've had great results buying tubes from Jon at The Tube Store. He knows his tubes and the service is excellent.Marco 
Large sweetspot
I'll make the Klipschorn recommendation a hat-trick. As Rives suggests, you'll need two adjacent corners with solid walls to place them in (either that or be prepared to build a false corner). Also, don't be afraid to get the older K-horns from th... 
Will the amp or speaker get damaged?
The Niles Audio offerings include one with some kind of autoformer impedence protection, as well as units without like the Bryston. The latter requires amplifiers that are compatible with a 4 ohm load. Niles units are indeed much cheaper than the ... 
Will the amp or speaker get damaged?
Bryston makes a well-respected switch box for those purposes. It has three outputs for three sets of speakers (a single input, or course). I recall reading of a reviewer using one of these units to compare speakers claiming that it did not introdu... 
Floorstanders for small rooms? Budget $1200 used
Mike- I used to have MiniMite amps (great little amps) - they had wonderful synergy with the Heresy's I had which I had modified with better wires, MDF back, more thorough sealing all around, and some simple resonance sheets on the interior. Only ... 
Loe Reed's speaker reviews
They didn't mention the rest of the system they were using to preview all the speakers. System synergy could make or break any components performance. Also, was that full-page advertisement on page four of the article a mirror of the kind of confl... 
Floorstanders for small rooms? Budget $1200 used
Soliloquy 5.3's will fall right in with your budget. They sound great. Built like a piece of high-end furniture. I was using mine in a 10X12 room and did not have a problem with bass loading (though bass is quite authorative). I don't have experie... 
Argh Too Many Choices
George Wright's gear is great stuff, especially when paired off together as you are considering. However I'd agree with Boa2, but would stretch it a step further; neither of his SET offerings are going to offer you what I'm guessing would be a "fu... 
How do I keep my cats off my amplifier?
I hear they taste just like chicken! So it wouldn't be a total loss. (When you've only got lemons, make lemonade!)Marco