
Responses from jax2

Hi Fi burnout.
I still maintain that hi fi equipment is only a tool, let the music move you and (should?) be you're focus.I'd agree that the system is merely a tool. What separates it from the typical 'tool' is in the other half of your statement. Absolutely, we... 
Hi Fi burnout.
Pour another one for my friend Phil! Jax is my dearly departed dog Phil. She passed away a little over a year ago. Some putz already took 'Jax', hence the suffix.Marco 
Hi Fi burnout.
A question for those singing the praises of iPod and or Tivoli radio's: What are you folks doing wasting time posting and reading stuff here...it's not exactly a forum that expounds much on that realm of the market. I'm not questioning the quality... 
Early 80's - late 70's best audio products
Forgot one...Just two years after your end date though...Quicksilver 8417 Mono amps (I've heard his MX190 was pretty great too, but I've never actually heard one)Marco 
Early 80's - late 70's best audio products
My examples are mostly on the bang-for-buck bargain level at the time, but all remain excellent components to this day, yet I have no doubt modern technology has improved on most. Here's a few off the top of my head:Sansui TU-717 TunerBedini 25/25... 
Amp Help for an amature
Albert is, of course, spot-on...and I'd like to know your shoe size as well. Also Eric, can you prove you have never taken payment for listening to high-end audio gear? We need to verify your amateur status before we go doling out that kind of inv... 
That nice, unforced, relaxed, easeful sound ??
Just don't get the two pieces of thoughtful advice from my green pal Gunbei mixed up and apply the Metamucil to your preamp. I tried it once and I don't recommend the method to obtain either result that Dean describes. Conversely you don't want to... 
Oooops Just got caught...
"I picked this stuff up at the Salvation Army...sound's pretty good, eh? And with the money we saved we'll be able to build that deck out back that you've been asking for!" Then make sure to get up, give her a big hug, take out the garbage, and go... 
That nice, unforced, relaxed, easeful sound ??
Try Metamucil!Marco 
Candidates for Re-mastering?
Raquel - I have a standard issue CD of "Blue" (one of my favorites by the way) which is sonic garbage to my ears. I had the LP which I'm sure I wore a hole in which was far superior. I don't think I have the HDCD recording of Blue though. Can you ... 
Candidates for Re-mastering?
Joni Mitchell, "Blue" Not the biggest Beattles fan but I'd agree wholeheartedly with that assessment - I'd nominate Roger Waters to remaster them!Marco 
Top Ten Electronic/alternative Albums
Ah, well it seems like I'm getting the jist of it now. I probably wouldn't have initially thought about bands like Janes Addiction, Wilco and Radiohead and Nirvana in the category, all of which I enjoy. I might add some others, that I may have con... 
Top Ten Electronic/alternative Albums
I'm not entirely sure what you mean by 'alternative' electronic music. I guess I don't know if you are asking for one category or two. Since you did not give any examples I'll just take a stab at it assuming it is one category, though I don't know... 
Tube Pre-Amp with Low Gain
There are a few with adjustable gain. I believe at least one Blue Circle pre has that via an internal switch. The Wright Sound AG1500 I own has a two position switch in back. Either would be excellent choices as a pre in many applications. You may... 
There's a sucker born every minute
Chris - don't worry, at least those stains will come out in the wash! Happy T-day dude!Marco