
Responses from jax2

Single Ended Class A Solid State?
Not currently being made, but have a reputation of being outstanding SS class A amps nonetheless:Bedini 25/25 and 10/10Levinson ML-2BTW, I don't think Pass Lab is currently building Aleph series amps anymore. I believe they were discontinued in 20... 
"Wife Friendly" full range speakers
Go to the local video rental store and get a full-size cardboard cutout of Johnny Depp and one of Brad Pitt. Cut out holes to accomodate the drivers of the speaker of your choice. Paste the cutouts to the face of the speakers. Viola! Instant "wife... 
plauged by off center image, am I insane?
Bizarre how this expectation occurs to us since, as has been already pointed out by others, there is no reason music sounds better when coming at you from center stage. Is it strictly our expectations around our equipment? A 'natural'(?) desire fo... 
Funniest sales pitch
Here's one from just today for a pair of interconnects, a direct quote:"Smooth and tube sound cables"It's not the poor use of english that is as amusing as attributing a "tube sound" to a pair of interconnects. Incidentally, they are a pair of Goe... 
Push pull 300B amplifiers
I have a pair of Wright Mono 10's that are a push/pull 2A3 design. I also own a pair of 300B SET amps. The Mono 10's give that wonderful midrange magic of the SET while providing more authority in the low end and and overall dynamics and speed...t... 
Amplifiers:A Keeper for Life. Do you know of one ?
Pubul57- You can pretty much expect that with any similar thread. It's kind of like asking a large, diverse group of individuals; if you could only have one food for the rest of yourl life (assuming you could survive that way), which food would it... 
Component that stopped the upgrade cycle cold?
Gumby - you didn't mention the collection of Pony porn you paid large for! Did Pokey ever get over that one? I run hot and cold through the obsessive aspect of my personality, but I think I tend to have a pretty good sense of what works for me, an... 
Component that stopped the upgrade cycle cold?
So, Chris, sounds like "women" are the methadone of the audio addiction for you! Dean, I've been riding the same motorcycle for over eight years now (I think it's the same brand as your silver cage). I actually upgraded to the latest version about... 
Component that stopped the upgrade cycle cold?
Excellent start Newbee! You just past your 20th anniversary....did you buy some china for your ARC?Marco 
Anybody blow a ceramic woofer with an OTL amp?
I bet Paris Hilton's done that...wasn't it on that video tape?Marco 
Anybody else bothered by $8call.00
Oh, Nutella, you don't even know...I was just getting started! In the forum threads, why are there so many queries that start out something like; "What's the best ___________?" and then don't list any of the rest of their system, their price range... 
Anybody else bothered by $8call.00
I loose sleep over those ads every god damned day! Inconsiderate ponces have no idea the aggravation their causing us all! I think I got an ulcer coming on too from all those dolts who can't seem to fill in their zip code properly so I can estimat... 
Have anyone seen these speakers? Or system?
The translation is as funny as the picture. Marco 
Have anyone seen these speakers? Or system?
"Take me to your leader!"Marco 
Airport Express / I Tunes PC Setup questions
I have a question related to this: So you have your .wav files, or mp3's or what have you, stored on your computers hard drive in digital form. You send those out via the ethernet to your 811g compatible wireless router, which in turn passes on th...