
Responses from jax2

How's this for a dose of reality???
Harvey Rosenberg?Marco 
audio and photography parallels??
Rives- Bit depth is fairly simple to understand. Imagine a photograph as a 3-D chessboard with each square representing a single pixel (just for the sake of simple explanation). A color is represented as a combination of zeroes and ones (just like... 
audio and photography parallels??
It is somewhat similar Tubino, and there are certainly some parralells in the two. In simplistic and basic terms it is a matter of resolving detail, nuance and accuracy in reproduction. The digital imaging technology is moving and changing at a fa... 
The effects of corporate music
Dunno Slappy, I guess I'm an old man at 44 cause I'm feeling much like Nrchy regarding music in America. You may take a listen to Jim White's music if you haven't heard it. I think he may strike a chord with you if you like those lyrics. I do like... 
new gear vs used gear
Gunbei...you BROKE a friggen pair of cables?!?! How does one do that? I thought FedexGround were the only ones capable of such things?! Marco 
new gear vs used gear
100% used...or, if I used Nrchy's methods, somewhere around 178% used. 100% Audiogon. Nothing from eBay. I used to like eBay back in the late 90's, but now you'd better be wearing protection when you trade there or you risk a nasty case of the Cla... 
The music companies do something wrong
08-09-04: SynthfreekThat remark about only sending crap to the libraries is UNTRUE! There was just a huge deal on CNN a few days ago about how Kansas state officials have stepped in and confiscated what they deemed offensive. Confiscated CDs inclu... 
The music companies do something wrong
I buy only 8-track tapes. They come real cheap at yard sales. Got the Isely Brothers Greatest Hits and Jim Nabers Spirtuals this weekend for a dime each. You don't even have to flip'em over! I'm waiting for the pirated sex tape of "Whitney does No... 
NAIM CD5 vs ARCAM 73 or other 1 - 2K new recs
Disclaimer: My Naim CD5 is currently for sale as we are in the midst of six month renovation of our house so I've disassembled the second system and am selling to pay some bill$.I can't speak about the Arcam as I've never heard it, but I have owne... 
How do YOU find the hole?
I like to let the hole just find me. Aw, c'mon Sean, that one was just too easy the way you asked!! Whady'a expect man? Marco 
name 3 singers closest to Holly Cole
Eva Cassidy, Jacintha, & Diana Krall...hey, is there an echo in here?Make sure to get Cole's album of Waits covers titled "Temptation" too!Marco 
Is my DAC fried,cooked or what,help
George- You can simply get the tubes checked to find out if they are the culpret. With your description of the flashing at the top turned brown it sounds like they may bave seen better days, though that alone does not necessarily indicate so. Anyw... 
Cars R OK, but what kind of motorcycle do you have
I'm not at all fond of riding straight lines for long periods of time no matter how pretty the landscape. Bike or car, it's a drag for the most part. If I'm crossing hundreds of mile of blacktop most of which is straight it's a good argument for a... 
Cars R OK, but what kind of motorcycle do you have
Northern CA without a doubt. NOWHERE on the east coast can hold a candle to these roads. And don't no one give me The Dragon. Yeah, go on and do The Dragon and make sure to by a nice gold frame for the ticket you get from the cops patrolling that ... 
Wiring a Center Channel
This is excellent information. Thank you!Marco