
Responses from jax2

old components for new small system
My first SS amp was a B&K EX140 (dual-mono predecessor to the very well-reviewed ST-140, and pretty rare and hard-to-find nowadays). I had that amp for eight years and it never failed to delight without even a hiccup in performance over that t... 
I've finally lost it
I got my immunization booster shot so I don't have to worry about such things. You know they inject you with a little bit of some of the virus in order to build up your immunity. A few hours after getting the shot I went out and scavenged garage s... 
Tried out his wonderful prototype preamp. That'll be a big BANG-for buck bargain when he produces them. Highest recommendation for Dan as a man of tremendous integrity. I would not hestitate to do business with him again.Marco 
Cars R OK, but what kind of motorcycle do you have
Don't forget the red, white and blue streamers on the bar-ends, and the 'ringer-horn' with the picture of Popeye on it! You can transfer all of that stuff too. Congrats on the new ride Nrchy! Mufflers? We don't need no stinkin' mufflers! Marco 
Your First System
Pcook15- I started with the same receiver, a Pioneer SX-680, which my dad still has and uses along with my first speakers and they still sound pretty darn good together. The rest of my first rig consisted of Advent speakers, a JVC cassette deck, a... 
Is it worth spending $10k on CD-only player today?
Not me either. I truly wonder whether the majority of folks posting here in a blind A/B test could tell the difference between a $3K player and a $10K player given a wide range of music and all the time and listening you'd like to have (given that... 
Know of a book on audio basics?
Glad my contributions were appreciated by those seasoned hams among us. But what about those who haven't had the benefit of such sage guidance, or just haven't had the strength to act on it? Here's a few suggestions for those who've gone past the ... 
Know of a book on audio basics?
Once you get through those excellent recommendations on the basic books, you may want to look into the more advanced tomes that may be of some help to you in the not to distant future. You may even find a few of these listed...a bit tattered and u... 
Best Tweak???
Shut down your computer. Toss those back issues of Stereofool, TAS, and that stack of "Jugs'N'Tail" with the stained and tattered pages. Pick a few of your favorite CD's, turn down the lights, slide that comfy chair into the sweet spot, pop in one... 
Latest Sam Phillips CD outstanding
Just recently joined my friend and fellow A'goner, Peter_S to see her perform at a very intimate venue here in Seattle. I've been a fan since someone introduced me to her album, "Martinis and Bikinis" years ago, which would also be a good album to... 
what's your favorite album cover?
Tom Waits, "Mule Variations" (I love Matt Mahurin's photography, illustration and film)For graphic design:Filter, "Short Bus"Marco 
Cry me a river
Old Yeller's Dead?!?! 
Eerie, Ethereal, Moody, Involving Soundtracks
If you can find it the soundtrack to "Before the Rain" by Anastasia has some beautiful and somber music from Macedonia. It's not truly a soundtrack as no movie was scored with it, but the Eno/U2 colaboration, "Passengers" was conceived as 8 separa... 
NHT 3.3...any info?
I've listened at length to a close friends Levinson system with NHT 3.3's. Just some surface impressions, for what they are worth: They are large and require some breathing room. They produce some of the lowest, most refined bass I've heard from a... 
How's this for a dose of reality???
Julius Futterman.Marco