
Responses from jax2

What's wrong with this system?
Some good advice already. As far as the system goes, I'd agree with Warren: start with the source. I don't think you need to drop the entire $1500 there. As he suggests, you will find that upgrading a single component may lead to revealing faults ... 
solid state gear- leave on?
I tried running my amp 24/7 on cow farts. Sounded great, but the damn cow took up most of my listening room. Smelled pretty vile too. I'm going back to the more simple weasel dung conversion system (WDCS™ patent pending). Much easier to live with.... 
Is there a audiophile bible?
Gammajo- Given your musical preferences, large room, your love of the piano, as well as your appreciation of the micro-details available through good headphones and head-amp, I'd say you're just fine sticking with SS amps. I'm not sure why, but th... 
Is there a audiophile bible?
As Artmaltman indicated, Robert Harley's book would be one good resource. For even better, more up-to-date information on specific products I'd suggest you do your research right here and on Audioasylum. All advice should be taken with a grain of ... 
Dead Can Dance's Into the Labyrinth
Glad you guys liked the recommendation. Warren, good thing there wasn't too much of her as you may have run short on tissues. For more of Figueras, albeit not quite as dynamic a collection of work, there is a wonderful collection of lullabies she'... 
For Lugnut & Barb (Patrick & Barbara Malone)
It is easier to love than to hate. No truer words spoken, yet so often ignored. Pat- I just wanted to extend my gratitude for your recent posts, and for the legacy you have created through your contributions to this community. Your words, and your... 
When does the law diminishing returns kick in?
Abe Lincoln was once asked how long a man's legs should be (Abe was a pretty tall dude as I understand). His response was:"After much thought and consideration, not to mention mental worry and anxiety, it is my opinion, all side issues being swept... 
Does it matter what power amp i get?
I doubt very much that, in the grand scheme of things, it matters one wit which power amp you get.As far as the level of your wee existence here is concerned, you may simply take a listen to two different amps of different topologies (a solid stat... 
Best bass response in under $1500 used towers
The NHT 3.3's would definitely NOT need a subwoofer. A bit over your budget, but you may also want to take a listen to the very well-reviewed Gallo Reference III's. I was moderately impressed with them, though not wowed, but I think much of that h... 
Is Stax headphone still in business
For a more comprehensive response to questions regarding cans you may also want to try HeadFi, although answers above are clearly to the point. They have a good list of links and resources there as well.Marco 
Best bass response in under $1500 used towers
I'll second the NHT 3.3's. Killer bass, but does require some significant muscle to drive it cleanly. Marco 
Best CD player...for ME ;
Hey, would one of you please tell me what my favorite ice cream should be?! I currently have a big white bowl and a large spoon. I like the rich flavor of chocolate, but not when it's made too busy by multiple flavors (chunky monkey) or those damn... 
Dead Can Dance's Into the Labyrinth
Warren- Better get your hanky out! Try not to get any tears about those lovely Caravelle's you are going on about all the time. Let us know if it moves you as much as it does me. It'd be one of my desert island CD's for sure.Marco 
Dead Can Dance's Into the Labyrinth
Into the Labyrinth is wonderful. If you get a chance to see Lisa Gerard perform live, don't miss it. If you want to enjoy some of the early music that infleuences her world music, and hear, if you can believe it, an even MORE remarkable voice than... 
The best headphone amplifier for Senheiser HD-650
You'll get more responses on HeadFiMarco