
Responses from jax2

Best used speaker under $1000 for tube low watter
The square shape of the room may be your biggest hurdle (not ideal for a listening room). Otherwise he 90db efficient Soliloquy 5.3's sound wonderful with my Wright Mono 10's as well as other lower powered tube amps I've tried them with. Posting t... 
Moving from mid-fi to hi-fi -- Imaging questions
Newbee is spot-on with his advice. As an addendum, there are many test CD's out there that will aid you with your setup and in troubleshooting basic issues. Stereophile makes a whole series of such test CD's with very clear explanations of how to ... 
Coolest looking vintage tuner.....
I'd second HH Scott. Great looking tuners from the golden age of stereo. Tube design. Several models to choose from. For more info go to This WebsiteMarco 
A "Unique" Voice...
Hey, I'd run screaming from the room too;-) They'll probably be talking about Jimmy Dale to their analyst when they're older! If I had kids that were subjected to some of the stuff I listen to I think they'd run off and never return. Pehaps they'd... 
A "Unique" Voice...
Yep, Nick Cave, Bright Eyes, Lou Reed ...That's the ticket! Leon Redbone for sure, Keith Richards...whoha, you guys are getting the not-so-pretty picture now!Marco 
A "Unique" Voice...
I think I should reign this thread in a bit. Definitely many unique and original voices here, and a whole lot of talent for sure. I was thinking more along the lines of an "ugly" voice, for lack of a better way of putting it. A voice you'd otherwi... 
A "Unique" Voice...
Synthfreek- way cool! Klaus was a favorite of mine back then. Looks like an interesting movie: The Trailer Synthfreek mentionedOfficial Movie WebsiteThanks for the heads-up!Marco 
A "Unique" Voice...
Definitely Ray! Yes, I like her as well! 
Favorite Movie Soundtrack
Philojet - no, bad seguae on my part. Just responding to Richingoth's post as an aside. I wonder what she's doing these days. Last film on IMBD that she did was in 1990.Marco 
Medieval music, El Cant De La Sibil-La fans..
I'll second the recomendation. They're a group from Norway - their album "Soir Dit-Elle" is quite good...yes, heavenly sounds indeed. You can read more on their websiteMarco 
Favorite Movie Soundtrack
I've been listening to the soundtrack to "Garden State" recently: fantastic soundtrack...great movie too!Richingoth - I photographed Anne Carlisle several times back in the late 80's...she actually did become (or always was) a fashion model with F... 
klipsch speakers,be honest
Ah, yes, Sean's post (thanks Sean) reminded me of the one modification I did leave out: The outside of my metal horn is covered in dampening material purchased at PartsExpress. This is the stuff they use to dampen the inside of the doors of automo... 
klipsch speakers,be honest
Fishboat - sounds like the Snell's are a better match overall for your system/room as it stands now. I don't have any experience with Snells, so can't comment beyond that as far as comparisons go. I would've thought the Chorus put out more bass th... 
klipsch speakers,be honest
Hey Fishboat - The closest experience I have with the Chorus speakers is with their smaler cousins, the Fortes. These speakers use the Tractrix horns and forward firing bass drivers, so are quite different from my LaScalas. I did enjoy the Fortes ... 
klipsch speakers,be honest
I can confirm first-hand just about all the points that Sean makes regarding the vintage Klipsch. My LaScala's have improved significantly with modifications Sean mentions. The only thing I have not done is rebuild the bass cabinet, and that is th...