
Responses from jax2

Best speaker for small 12x14 room 50 WPC tube amp
Heresy's might be a good choice, but I suspect you will not get as much bass as you might like. I've owned both Heresy's and TC50's. One direction you might try if you are runing tubes is a Galante Rhapsody. It is a bit on the larger side of a mon... 
Odyssey Stratos or Krell 400Xi for Usher 6381's
I'll chime in with a third recommendation for the Stratos Dual Mono. I'm actually the one who purchased the one recently sold and have had it in my system for a week now. Sorry, but I can't compare it directly with the Krell. It does take an autho... 
First song to "Blow You Away"...
I don't know about the Denver Omlette Brain syndrome, but the earliest albums that I remember really opening my ears to music that I'd never heard before that were Tommy by The Who, and the Beatles Sgt. Pepper. I enjoy both still, but they're cert... 
Warm and Detailed S.S. Amp?
Newbee - I did not use the Cary with the Panache, but with the Odyssey dual mono. The Panache is an integrated amp (actually, technically it's not quite that since the pre, I believe, is a passive stage - look to their site or one of the many revi... 
Warm and Detailed S.S. Amp?
Grant - Yes, I have been very impressed with the Panache over the past year. It is a difficult amp to fault. I've replaced it for now with an Odyssey dual mono. It does some things better, but then there are also some qualities it is missing. The ... 
Warm and Detailed S.S. Amp?
Nsgarch - My system pix are dated and need revision. My Klipsch horn speakers are temporarily in storage. I listen primarily to two systems, one tube, on SS. Along with the Muse 2+ DAC, which I still love though it is long in the tooth as far as c... 
Warm and Detailed S.S. Amp?
if warmth implies an attenuation in the lower treble, a component cannot be warm and detailed.You are the only one who's mentioned attenuation in the lower treble. I don't think all the amps we're talking about here necessarily have that defect ("... 
Warm and Detailed S.S. Amp?
i would like someone to explain how one can perceive warmth and detail from a stereo system or component.I'll take a stab at that. My guess is that most are using the word "warmth" as the common metaphor frequently used here and elsewhere to descr... 
Who Do You Credit For Getting You Into This Hobby?
but it was Jax2 that toured me around the audio block. Danke, Marco!Glad you're still enjoying it my friend. When the fever chills, cold sweats and the shakes set in I may be long gone so I'll take the gratitude while I can get it. I really didn't... 
Who Do You Credit For Getting You Into This Hobby?
I caught the bug from my old friend, Jon Jones. Damn him! :-)Marco 
CD Player recommendations for a SET system
This thread reminds me of a TNT editorial found in this week's addtion titled "Tell Me Lies Tell Me Sweet Little Lies"Interesting article. Thanks. Your link is bad though having added a period at the end of the link. Here is a Corrected Link for t... 
Warm and Detailed S.S. Amp?
Odyssey amps have a 'warm' sound, and are a great bargain to boot. Detail, speed and power are all there. For $2k you can get a used pair of their Mono Extremes. Marco 
Upgrading integrated amp from SET integrated?
It's a damn shame that Joe Abrams doesn't make a version of his Portal Panache with a remote since so many people seem to want that. Otherwise I'd put that on your short list of amps. Definitely add the Unison Unico to that list which does have a ... 
CD Player recommendations for a SET system
You may be asking too much from a front end. I don't think changing it is going to make up for the limitations of your SET amplifier, which you've described very well. I don't think putting a different front-end will necessarily make more complex ... 
Live classic 70s Southern ROck......
Ho hum... The 70's are over! Move on! I'll take s'more dat dark meet, n' pass the chitlins:16 Horsepower, Sackcloth 'n' AshesMarco