Responses from jax2
can omega super3 reproduce orchestral experience? Not a chance. Speakers that small, single driver or not, just can't possibly move the volume of air to produce the illusion of some kind of 'SLAM' much less the impact of a live orchestra. That's not to say they'll not be fun to listen to, and do ... | |
passive preamp matching Keroo - This ad for your CD player would indicate it has a 2.5 V output. If detail and clarity are your passwords then you're barking up the right tree. "Transparency" is the word that comes up over and over in Placette comments, and it certainly ... | |
Will the ipod be the death of the CD? T-Bone - haven't tried the Red Wine mod, but have tried drinking red wine while listening to music (but not on my iPod). I recommend a nice Zin or Chateau Neuf de Pap. Seriously, I haven't tried Vinnie's mods but I believe they've received some go... | |
passive preamp matching What amp(s) are you using? Your setup (at least the Placette and input impedence of the amp) sounds remarkably similar to mine.Well, that's because it IS similar to yours. I'm using the Placette with the Odyssey Dual Mono, which is very similar to... | |
passive preamp matching A very strong second to the Placette recommendation. Absolutely fantastic! Like finally opening a slightly dirty window to breath fresh air and see the view unobstructed. Hey, they should use me for ad copy, eh? My setup doesn't conform to the req... | |
A series of underperforming setups...Solution? I hate to say it, but Newbee is right.Newbee and Aball; you guys oughta just rent a hotel room and get'er done ;-)Good on'ya Foster_9 for giving such a thorough accounting of your system and room for others to respond. I'd agree that clean power i... | |
Can you convert a pre-amp to a headphone amp? On a related note, the Berning MicroZOTL is a superb headphone amp, which can and does double as flea-powered amp for ultra-high efficiency (100+ db) speakers. If matched up right it actually does a very nice job as an amp. I was really impressed.... | |
Sexiest Pop Song Ever? How about Donna Summer's full version of "Love to Love you Baby"?!?!From Wikipedia:The title song was controversial in that it allegedly contained over 20 simulated orgasms by Summer. The actual number of "orgasms" is unclear, but the BBC estimate... | |
The best USB connection vs high quality soundcard I'd also second Ejlif's knod to a USB DAC. That's the direction I've taken as well, but I still use the U24 occasionally in my second system. Since you were asking about an interface (convertor) I addressed that, but the DAC is a better way to go.... | |
Will the ipod be the death of the CD? Marco, isn't the iPod digital in/out (the recharging and music loading in/out at the bottom of the iPod box) capable of producing a signal output? Currently it is only capable of producting a line-output, which is marginally a better signal than t... | |
B&K ST-140 - early lower watt version vs. 105 watt I had an EX140, which was a dual mono-version of the ST140. When I bought it I'd compared it in the store to the ST and found it to be marginally better. I'm not sure if this is what you were looking for.Marco | |
Your top 3 comedians Joe, you just knocked one of my top three! Steven Wright is one of the funniest comedians ever. DEFINITELY moves into my Number 2. He's brilliant. Here are some more Stephen Wright quotes.Jim Gaffigan is one that would be right up there for me as ... | |
Will the ipod be the death of the CD? One thing it occured to me now to add to my previous post; as long as iPod playback is limited to the use of it's internal DAC to make the conversion to an analog signal, iPods will be a compromise in terms of any expectations of being an effectiv... | |
The best USB connection vs high quality soundcard Never used a card, but very much like the Waveterminal U24 as a USB convertor. No longer available except used and reamaindered. Marco | |
Silver IC's for tubed preamp/monoblocks Quicksilver Audio makes some very nice, reasonably priced silver IC's. I've enjoyed them in that specific connection, which is, I believe, what they were designed for. Marco |