
Responses from james633

everything sounded great until the upgrade
I own an old Marantz like that. It was my Dads but I am not sure the model at the moment. Anyway old Marantz is super warm and I used it on some bright B&Ws with good results.    I am a musical fidelity fan and have heard them sound great on ... 
KEF Meta Reference 1's? anyboy heard them?
yyzsantabarbara, Yes it is interesting how different our opinion is on the kefs. I have followed your posts over the years and very much respect your opinion. we have owned and enjoyed some similar gear over the years (Thiel, Revel, benchmark). ... 
KEF Meta Reference 1's? anyboy heard them?
I have only heard the Reference 3 but my thoughts align with avanti1960. Just shows you how important hearing things for yourself are.    I would spend a little more and listen to the Focal Kanta 2. Or spend a little less and demo the Revel 226be... 
What does a subwoofer solve?
Subs will make your entire system run better. They will lower the distortion in your mains when using a highpass filter. They will give your system more dynamic range (output). They will most likely add bass extension depending on your speaker. Su... 
Boutique or Big Brand?
One more sound demo of the B&W 805d3 with the same Focal Sopra 1, different electronics.       
Boutique or Big Brand?
Nothing wrong with wanting/liking the 805d3. I have heard them a bunch of times and they are fine just a bit bright. Depending on your age a bit of brightness could be good but they are bright enough that bad recordings will be real hard to listen... 
Boutique or Big Brand?
Big brands tend to give you more for you money sometimes.    look at the build quality of the 800 series. It is outstanding, a small brand would be twice as much. I don’t like the sound of B&W but there is no denying the 800 have an amazing b... 
New to hobby: McIntosh D150 w/ McIntosh Amp vs. Rotel Separates
I can’t comment on the McIntosh D150 but I own McIntosh MC462 and have had a number of Rotel amps over the years (still use them for surrounds in my theater). Anyway run what sounds good to you. McIntosh does not really come into it’s own until y... 
“House” Character of Popular $20-$30k Speakers
I have heard all of those. Cost no object I like the Wilson’s the best but I think they are a poor buy these days at their current price. Lots of stuff almost as good or technically better for less but Wilson’s are fun (extra bass) while being acc... 
Klipsch rp-8000f vs Klipsch rf-7iii, opinions ?
These guys did a video on it.       
New or used speakers
Yes used or demos. I have had good luck buying demos for my last two speakers. Saved about 40% on 99% new speakers.    I think the key or buying used/demos is having 3 or 4 speakers you would be happy with abs jumping on them when they come up lo... 
McIntosh -- good for show, not for sound, says dealer
This thread is hilarious! Two things I have learned reading this threat while listening to my McIntosh MC462…. “Buy Mac don’t look back” and “denafrips won’t get you laid”, wise words lol!    
KEF Blade 2
Measurements looks good. Dispersion is a little narrow but even.   
Help me solve another speaker hum thread :)
Ok interesting, sounds like an amp issue. One thing is the electrical buzz you hear when you put your ear to the amp is normal for McIntosh. They all have a bit of buzz in the box (no idea what it is).   Hopefully you get it sorted. Those are co... 
Help me solve another speaker hum thread :)
I have found this type of hum is often in the power supply. Do you have another amp to try?   When my subs are connected between my pre-amp and amp (internal highpass) I get a faint 60hz buzz. I found no work around and will replace the subs at s...