

Responses from jafreeman

New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
Because TC is marketed through Audiogon, they benefit from forum promotions. If someone sold through Ebay but started a thread here to promote their product, Audiogon would call that unfair----they want to be the marketplace and they own this site.  
Are there any really good cd cleaners out there?
Exactly--you can get them wet. I run it under water with a scant amount of dish soap between my fingers then dry with a micro fiber cloth--never a scratch or residue.  Cleaners are a waste of time and worry.   
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
I am very happy with the results of TC at week four. There is an evolving refinement in clarity and retrieval.  Again, anyone who has put together a component system using interconnections will benefit from TC--that would be everyone.  What I have... 
Interconnects and non-believers
Prof,  I agree that the big names in cable are way too expensive.  I don't think I would spend the same amount again on my Transparent cables.  Good thing is, they have remained in place during the evolution of my system, so I now consider them a ... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
Right on, Grannyring.  If not interested in the topic of this thread, move on to something you like.  Don't knock it till you've tried it.  I am enjoying the music even more at week four of Total Contact, an audio bargain.   
Interconnects and non-believers
Elizabeth, I agree that you will not feel you got your money's worth by spending that much.  You can build one for a lot less using, e.g., Furutech plugs (screw-clamp terminations) and UP-OCC bulk cable.    
Interconnects and non-believers
Cables and cords are often the afterthoughts of building a system.  You finally make that speaker and amp purchase, etc, and the audio sales person says, "What are you using for cables?"  I once replied that I had some old, large-gauge Monster spe... 
Interconnects and non-believers
Along with the high costs of cables, another big obstruction is the ego---have to get it out of the way in favor of some humility.  Many attach themselves to someone else's dogma and just camp there, thinking the debate is solved: cables are just ... 
Interconnects and non-believers
A problem with accepting that cords and cables improve sound are the exorbitant costs of the major brands.  The benefit/cost ratio is very suspicious for what you are holding in your hands--the cost of the materials and the construction costs are ... 
Interconnects and non-believers
And this, from my ARC REF 210 Owner's Manual:  IMPORTANT: Use the best available speaker wires and interconnects. Audio Research cannot emphasize this enough. As better components and systems are developed, it becomes increasingly important to avo... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
It's all good here, Frank.  Redbook CD is surprising me all over again.  There is no doubt from my listening comparisons that TC will benefit anyone who has connected up a component system via power cords, interconnects and speaker cables.  That w... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
Frank, can you get your system on a better circuit than the one with a wall switch?  One dedicated 20 amp would go a lot farther in power supply.  Two would be better if expanding your system in the future.  
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
Frank---Yes, the whole is now greater than the sum of the parts.  The better connections are creating a more seamless energy pathway throughout all components.  According to claim, the TC solves the problem of oxidation and continues to improve th... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
Listening to Lee Ritenour's "World of Brazil" on CD, and the percussion is popping out and hanging in the room with a dimensionality not present before Total Contact. Floor toms, kick bass, congas--all with a crisper attack and a fully extended, s... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
  A great day--my TC kit arrived Friday noon, only 48 hours since ordered, so I went right to work. I painted each end of six power cords' connections, my one pair of interconnects, four banana plugs to REL subs, speaker cable spade lugs to amps, ...