

Responses from jafreeman

Does a flat ceiling provide the best sound?
Great advice--interesting to hear that speakers are designed for ceiling heights of around eight feet--will have to keep that in mind.     
What are some of the downsides of owning a Magneplanar .7 or 1.7i ?
The stock feet supplied by Magnepan should be replaced with the Mye Stand or similar, and the stock fuses should be replaced for an easy upgrade--Synergistic Blacks are the best by far, and the bass crossovers on the older 3.X series should come o... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Thanks for the good report, Frank.  You're going to feel twenty years younger.   
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
I am wondering about Frank. I wrote to him, have not heard back.   
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Listener testimony here continues to confirm the sonic benefits of installing SR Blacks in AC mains, rails and, in my case, Maggie 3.6R tweeter and midrange signal paths.  The conducting materials in the SR's are superior to the tiny filaments in ... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
  Those of you who are fuse doubters have again come around to tell us we are suffering from mass delusion during our listening evaluations. Let me assure you--our experience of enhanced clarity and presence is based in a perceptual reality well w... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Love that sound...... 
Smooth Jazz ---- Well recorded redbook CDs compilations.
Everything by Fourplay.   
Has anyone NOT listened to their system for a long time?
I like the distinction "music-o-philes vs equipment-o-philes".  Yes, I have been caught listening due to an improvement in sound, but this also gets me interested in my music collection again, which can become somewhat stale over time---until a br... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
This directionality/AC argument has been discussed ad nauseam. I suggest anything that goes back and forth 60 times/second ends up standing still.  
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
OP, you are so right on the increased depth and definition of low strings, any strings.  I must play more classical.  There are some tweaks that you just get such a kick out of--because they are cheap, or you dreamed it up and did it yourself and ... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
My SR fuse saga continues to amaze at the opening up of every new audio horizon I am hearing.  SR Blacks in my Maggies, in my ARC monos, in my Wadia are bringing forth new clarity and weight.  As the designer of quality amps remarked on this threa... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Ok, maybe it's the mean political season we're in--there's malice aforethought out there in the blog-o-sphere.  I just had to jump all over Wolf, who has never taken anything we have said about SR fuses at face value.  Real story or not---does it ... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Reporting again on my system conversion from SR Reds to SR Blacks:  A couple of weeks ago, the Blacks went into my Maggie 3.6R's to reach a new plateau of clarity and sound stage.  The Maggies have always been the place of the most dramatic improv... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Happy Birthday, OP.  I just ordered Black fuses for mains in ARC mono blocks and also for Wadia 861SE player. When I first upgraded the main fuse in my Wadia some years ago, I found a HiFi Tuning fuse already there. This was part of the GNSC Refer...