

Responses from jafreeman

Aftermarket Fuses
Wolf--you are an extremely UNCOOL PERSON for what you've done to ruin threads and should never be listened to.    
Granite and digital..
I agree from experience--granite resonates if speakers and subs are close to your components.  I still have my amps and CDP on granite slabs but have solved the problem with footers I have made.  If you want the look of granite, just have some Cor... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
My one E mat sits on a thick slab of granite, magnetic face down, and is 2-1/2" away from the bottom of my CD player. I don’t think the vastly improved sound has anything to do with the magnetic face of the mat interacting with the component. Perh... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
It appears then that magnets and external magnetic fields are bad around circuits that are energized with electric current that has its own local magnetic field. As mentioned, various demagnetizing products used on media and cables tend to improve... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
@sbayne Thanks, and I just looked at your system---a very impressive commitment. I’m a rube on all of these signal-enhancing, field- generating devices--need to get out more, I guess. You have invested extensively in the Tranquility Base, a well-r... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
@t_ramey I am using one Omega E Mat, placed under one-box CD player/preamp--will be ordering a second mat in the near future.  
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
This E Mat has to be the best audio bargain of the new century.  I am lost within the depths of new layers of music that just weren't audible before.  It's all so clear and sweet--just what I would have expected from an expensive upgrade.   
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
To each his or her own, but I would not dedicate a $600 mat to a $130, stamped metal box full of $8 circuit breakers when I can place it at the system, under a front-end piece costing 2K to 20K or more containing hundreds-to-thousands of parts tha... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
That's a tough one, Lak.  You may have to experiment with placement, but that's not very tough to do.  I would try the DAC or Preamp first, then move it back to the distributor after a few days to compare. You are going to like this thing.   
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
Listening now--was away from home for three days and am enjoying my return to music more than ever since placing an E Mat under my Wadia player, a large unit that also contains a pre-amp. Two E Mats could fit under this player, which is now 3 inch... 
The question is too embarrassing to even ask---like asking if good tires really matter.   
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
Not sure of the pricing or of special offers, but this product appears more likely to come with a satisfaction/return guarantee--only speculating--not sure if its properties remain constant or deplete over time--no idea how it works, just that it ... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
This new thing may not be a component, but it's like putting in a new component.  The SR Blues and the TC are also like adding new components.  The system remains the same---the signal passing through it has changed dramatically.  
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
Frank, Tommylion, myself, and now Resolution1 (Rc)?  Like most of this group, I didn't even know I was chosen to try this thing--it just appeared in the mail---call for instructions.  I was given the basic idea of its use and where---then, wait fo... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
Geoff, are you telling me this thing just tamed a geomagnetic storm? Seriously though, I am enjoying more retrieval of information within a more sorted-out presentation. I had to back the subs' volumes down by 20% due to more bass from the mains. ...