

Responses from jafreeman

Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
Frank, +1I can't count the times over the years I've thought I had finally arrived, only to be surprised by the next improvement using the same equipment.  If buying new equipment is the destination, then the tweaks are the journey.  Joe  
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
Congrats on your TC results, Tuffy. Please do try an E Mat.  I just placed a second mat under Wadia 861SE earlier today, waited eight hours and am listening now.  Two mats side-by-side fit just right from front-to-back under this large unit.  The ... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
Let's not turn THIS thread into another garbage blog.  Respect the Mat....... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
>>Any field effect, electric, magnetic, electromagnetic, whatever, falls off rapidly, you know, following the *inverse square law*. That’s why, even with a powerful magnet, if you remove the magnet from the steel cover and withdraw it an inc... 
What were your humble beginnings on the path to high end audio?
My first room speakers were the SpeakerLab 7's, built the kit in '76 and used them into the '90's.   
To power condition or not
Depends on the total draw of all your devices and the capacity of your household circuit and that of your Furman, which is matched for a 15A circuit.  The Furman manual states a 1300-1700W work capability---about the same as a 15A circuit free of ... 
Good Achtung Baby CD? I got a bad one.
Not sure Achtung Baby was ever made with a refined presentation---seems they were going for a raw, powerful effect.  That, it does have.   
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
Not sure when the mats reach their limit, but the enjoyment never stops.   
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
Maybe Tim could make a double-thick pad with twice the enhancing power at around $900. I sure am liking the two pads I have and will be ordering another. Regarding the question of the vertical zone of effect, Tim did tell me that there is also a h... 
Sell your components boys and girls, the console is back!
I like the company and the products because they are re-introducing audio in at least some way to successful Millennials/Hipsters who want more than a portable device and less than a wall of audio.  It's all overpriced by our standards, but those ... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
Rc, congrats on bringing out the best in your system.  I agree with all of your descriptions.  There is such a quiet background now that reveals the reverberant decay of vocals recorded with the ambience of a large hall.     
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
David, As an E mat "superuser", your endorsement of the mat, both personally and professionally, carries considerable weight. I am looking forward to adding more mats over time--thanks for the encouraging reports of continued gains with each addit... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
Listening to my second E Mat, placed Thursday between Richard Gray 240V/120V system transformer and Richard Gray 1200C front-end power supply, which supplies Wadia 861 SE/GNSC player that has one mat underneath.  If there is a "noise floor", the b... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
I like the E Mat more than any idea of how it works---just placed my second mat 12 hours ago, let it sit for 8 hours--now listening.  Things that are happening: a more dramatic low end, a quieter floor--as if the room just became a small cavern.  ... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
I'm sorry to say that the TC did not do as much and certainly not as quickly.  @fleschler Yes, the Omega E mat alone is felt by many, including me, to exceed both the SR Blues and TC combined, but I would not want to be without any one of them, as...