
Responses from jafox

Recapping an ARC LS-5 mkiii
@djohn It's interesting to hear of Scott Franklin's recommendation here.  I had the ARC SP-10 for 8 years before I switched to the LS5 II, and then the III some years later. My final showdown with the SP-10 was the MFA Luminescence at a dealer in... 
Recapping an ARC LS-5 mkiii
As a long time LS5 II and III owner, who praised these models on here 20+ years ago, I would be hesitant to put a lot of money into this.  If it sounds good to you, then just run with it.  But if you're looking to put $1k into this, I would sugges... 
Duntech Sovereign, Dunlavy IV, V, VI purchase make sense today?
I would like to thank everyone here and to those who wrote me externally to encourage me to give the Dunlavy speakers a serious consideration.  I will get the chance to hear them in two weeks and then take them home!  😊 John  
RIP Christine McVie
One of my long time fav FM songs has been "Isn’t it Midnight", from "Tango in the Night". And of course, written by Christine. She was indeed the beautiful voice and melody writer in the band. The best always go first.  
Amp's that are better sounding than a nad 3020
It's like asking, "what's faster than a Geo Metro?"  
which turntable for the future?
Today my turntable is a Michell Gyrodec with SME V. I'm in love with its design: a lot of competitors got ideas from it and after years and years is still a star to follow. Then why not keep it?  Have you contacted Michell as to any updates tha... 
Detachable Head shell or Not?
Just an update here.  After taking delivery of a Schroeder tonearm, I soon realized that this tonearm has a similar cartridge interchangeability as the Tru-Glider.  In the case of the Schroeder, the cartridge attaches to a plate which is then atta... 
Detachable Head shell or Not?
It is difficult to see where the benefits are for the mechanical interfaces on the Tonearm using the methods suggested by the Tonearm Dealer you are in communication with. For my TT setup, the arm sits on a tower (cylinder) adjacent to the plat... 
Detachable Head shell or Not?
Raul - I tend to not be fond of the word, best.  The use of superlatives often gets us in trouble.  Even when we refer to one product over another as better, this too is often not easily quantifiable.  When I compare products, I think of preferenc... 
Detachable Head shell or Not?
@pindac - I read again your comments on tube rolling while also evaluating cable differences.  During the decade that I compared many cables, I did much more experimenting with tube rolling.  It was 15-20 years ago that some A'gon members, most no... 
Detachable Head shell or Not?
Raul,  Concerning Reed tonearms, a few years ago an audio dealer had a TT for sale that I wanted but it was sold just before I contacted that dealer.  I then bought the Triangle Art TT.  A year later, that same dealer had some Reed arms for sale.... 
Detachable Head shell or Not?
Raul, Starting around year 2000, I began to put many hours into cable evaluations.  I have great respect for the Stealth cable products.  In the mid-late 2000's, I owned two Stealth Indra ICs and many of their Dream power cords.   That was about ... 
Detachable Head shell or Not?
I wish I had said that 😊 Indeed you did in your ET2 arm discussion.  A posted picture here of the end result would be nice to see.  But the thought of someone using this idea to try many different wire configurations with copper, silver, gold, ... 
Detachable Head shell or Not?
about routing a Wire Externally for the purpose of trials ..... Now this would be a very cool test!  I assume a little bit of painter's tape to secure the twisted/braided wires at the cartridge and then again at the back of the arm wand, and th... 
Detachable Head shell or Not?
what tonearm offers both a continuous wire connection AND an interchangeable headshell? Here it is: Tru-Glider Tonearm