
Responses from jafox

The best power conditioner for less than $1K?
To answer this thread's primary question, what is the best PLC under $1k? For a passive filtering device, if the lower-priced Audio Magic Stealth is anything like the Eclipse model I run with, this could very well be the ticket to entry level PLC ... 
Aesthetix Calypso and Berning ZH270 combo noise.
"What do you mean with this? 'He said that after he rearranged his cabling, the problem was gone.'"His system is hyper-sensitive to cables touching each other, crossing over each other, sitting on the floor, etc. Such a situation would drive me cr... 
Aesthetix Calypso and Berning ZH270 combo noise.
Nr9: You have EXACTLY the same issue as my friend with the Calypso and Plinius 102 amp. When he adjusted the volume on the Calypso, everytime the volume display value was a multiple of 8, the noise was much higher. There must be some kind of stair... 
Aesthetix Calypso and Berning ZH270 combo noise.
I have a friend here who has the Calypso and his setup is by far the most critical of cable placement than any other I have heard. He has to go through a lot of effort here to get rid of the noise....but when he does, the sound is outstanding. He ... 
CAT vs. Aesthetix vs. Supratek - Preamp Choice
I own the Aesthetix Io/Callisto and the CAT JL-3 amps. Earlier this year I borrowed a CAT Ultimate II for a couple months from a CAT dealer. The strengths and "house sound" of the JL-3s was very evident in the Ultimate. There's a resolution, openn... 
CAT or VAC for Shahinian Obelsik
With all due respect to Hassel, the CAT is not your average tube amp. Not all tube amps control speakers the same. 100 tube watts does not necessarily equal 100 tube watts. But the same holds true between ss amps.The JL-2 is conservatively rated a... 
Cables for CAT JL2 - is Purist non-silver enough?
Hello - As a CAT JL-3 owner with a lot of Purist cables in my system, I can share some observations here. And with you being an owner of the Calypso, there will be parallels as I own the Io/Callisto.I have written much here on cable shootouts and ... 
XLR or single ended cables and why?
I have run 20' MIT 350 EVO, 30' Kubala-Sosna Emotion and 30' Purist Dominus RCA cables, and 25' MIT 350 Ref and 30' NBS Statement XLR cables, and there was only one issue of noise - surprisingly the NBS Statement XLR 30' cable. This cable had a lo... 
List of top phono preamps best
I have answered a few such threads as this and so here I go again. As many have already commented, if you want balanced, most of your list is not going to work. The BAT and the two Aesthetix models are the balanced units here.Yes, the Io has many ... 
Best phono stage balanced under $3000 used
World class sound, fully balanced phono in the $3k or less range? Wow, that is asking a lot but it is there. Keep your eyes out for the Aesthetix Io (non signature version) which is every now and then in the $3k zone. For just a little more than t... 
CAT JL-2 amp upgrade
I would hope that a JL-2 or JL-3 owner who had the upgrade done would chime in with some before and after comments. I have seriously thought of this with the JL-3 Sig's but they sound so mighty good already. But if the upgrade brings on more resol... 
Is NBS still in business?
I wish Ms. Lambert great success because I could not agree more on the status of the cables here in the US. The NBS product line needs major re-engineering and some realistic pricing as well.As a long time owner of Statement and Signature ICs, PCs... 
Budget Preamps for Atmaspheres?
If you absolutely want a balanced line stage, the BAT VK3 is an excellent choice....and sometimes falls around $1k or so. Otherwise I would give serious consideration to the CJ models suggested by Rushton. Finding something under $1k because you m... 
Broken CAT
"the best match for a cat amp is a cat pre since they were made together"I respectfully disagree. The "best match" for one person or one system of components may be very different for another. As an owner of the JL-3 Signature amps, I put a lot of... 
wadia making mistake?
Nsgarch - Not only is there a consensus that Steve Huntley does phenomenol rework on ARC and Wadia gear, but this last week I was able to witness his magic on just the first pass of him tweaking my Manley Ref DAC. It's not just an issue of replaci...