
Responses from jafox

Gold interconnect comparison help
Milen007 - Rather than speculate, why not read the information on the Jade site for yourself and then contact JD there for further information. 
Gold interconnect comparison help
...they offer a lot more space,depth and air.And here I thought the GG Rev cables were already touted as the 3D king. You mean there really was room for improvement? You mean like the Jade Hybrid? 8-)I don't really feel like getting into another "... 
6SN7 based Pre-Amplifier
I feel that Albert's advice to talk to Mike Elliot is a great place to start. If you like the sound of the SA11, it could be difficult to compromise on a line stage of much less performance. And Mike is in a position to do custom work on a per-cus... 
Aethetix IO Signature Question
Jfrech - The BAT P10 does a lot of things very well indeed. With your more supercharged P10 model, the gap between this and the Io will be narrowed. But I suspect the Io does the magic in the mids like very very few phono stages out there. The str... 
Aethetix IO Signature Question
This is why I try not to be a "gear hound" and have had most pieces in my system for years.Same here - other than this recent preamp change, the rest of the LP playback system here has been unchanged for over 3 years....excluding tubes and cables.... 
Need warm sounding cables: Transparent Ref. MM?
Why the cables and not some tube-rolling? It's a heck of a lot cheaper. 
Aethetix IO Signature Question
Yes, I have had the Aria for 5 or so weeks now. I have spent much time evaluating tubes, and now sending them away to be tried by others so the system is a little "down" at the moment. The Aria has made me aware of much information on LPs and CDs ... 
Aethetix IO Signature Question
I have a little different experience than the comments above.I have an original Io but I had it updated by Steve Huntley of GNSC with the same Dynamicaps as the Io Sig. Many other parts have been replaced beyond the Sig, mainly Caddock resistors t... 
Speaker cables for soundlabs and strong current
I too have the A1s and went through many speaker cable trials in 2005-2007. I use CAT JL-3 amps so the interface is much different than the Parasound amps. The speaker cable link has consistently been less contributing to improvements vs. other ca... 
Apogee vs Soundlab
Chris, before you start a process that will likely never get you to the desired result with your ss amp, you need to take more seriously Atmasphere's comments regarding the SL's performing at their best with a tube amp. With this said, I can drive... 
cat jl3 signatures vs. atmashere ma2III's
but if you are not happy with the JL2 than you may never be happy, it is an incredible amp even before the "upgrade".I can see [hear] why many people would not like the sound of a CAT amp.....especially if the rest of the system is on the ultra-re... 
Aria phono preamp - Mike Elliot blog
So people will pay big money to have this guy make the amplifier or preamplifier the way it should have been doen....The way it should have been done? You mean like the way ARC, CJ, CAT, BAT, etc., all should have done their preamps back in the 80... 
Anyone rolled tubes in an ARC Reference 3 preamp?
John, when you return to the dark side (a non-6H30 based preamp) some day, you will have to make it more accessible to get to the tubes. Somehow I think tube-rolling is in your blood. 8-) And you can secure the top cover with a couple strips of du... 
Maggies and rolled off treble
As far as generalization go - and the obvious limitations of making gross generalizations - I agree fully with this one! Now here's a quote to carve into stone for eternity!One of the principle reasons for chasing accurate bass response with low d... 
Apogee vs Soundlab
Chris, it would help if you would share what systems/amplifiers were paired with the A1's you heard that made you walk away with your "rather sharp and grainy treble" observations.