
Responses from jafox

Purist Proteus Provectus tonearm cable.
Thanks JFrech for the update. The veiling was indeed my experience with the Venustas and Dominus phono cables but the midrange bloom was great....especially with the Dominus. But once I auditioned the Stealth Hyperphono, it was very clear how date... 
Counterpoint upgrades discontinued not all
I will inject a different viewpoint here. The answer is simple: Aria WV. SA9's and SA11's have been selling in the $3-4K range for the last few years. Each of these to be fully updated was another $4k in cost. That takes the fully-updated pair's c... 
The use of equipment as "tone controls"
I'd rather have an "anomaly" in the bass than run the signal through a filter and risk the loss of detail, ambiance, dynamic contrasts, etc., in the other 8-9 octaves. Now if you can correct this bass dip through a bi-amp process, whereas the uppe... 
Purist Audio "Purist 20th Anniversary" I/C
It's great to hear of the new wave of Purist cables....mainly tonearm cables.I too ran with Venustas and then later Dominus tonearm cables. Once I compared the Stealth Hyperphono, the above Purist cables were grainy and had mediocre resolution on ... 
The use of equipment as "tone controls"
Great response from Atmasphere on the issue of synergy. I agree wholeheartedly. "Balance", rather than synergy, has often been the word I have used to implement a system of products on their strengths. But "compatibility" is a great description of... 
The use of equipment as "tone controls"
.... since by design they (tone controls) are truly out of the signal path till they are engaged or set to 0dbOh how much so many of us would like this to be true. But essentially tone controls are cascaded filter circuits set to unity gain when a... 
Aesthetix Calypso VS ARC Reference 3
Kschiu: Sorry about the jump in price on the 5751. That sometimes happens when there is a frenzy with auctions. If you can find a good deal on a GE or RCA pair, the triple mica might also work out well. I only compared the Sylvania and the JAN to ... 
Aesthetix Calypso VS ARC Reference 3
If a device is sensitive to a power cord it is very poorly designed.I never understand why people make such generalizations like this.Rwwear, your statement would then imply that Ken Stevens of CAT, Michael Elliot of Aria/Counterpoint, Alex Peyche... 
Manley Wave VS. Cary SLP-05
If you don't need the DAC, $4k is a big price to pay for the line stage vs. all the progress made in line stages the last 8-10 years.I own the Manley Ref DAC which preceded the Wave. The Ref DAC is outstanding in its portrayal of the mids; piano m... 
Aesthetix Calypso VS ARC Reference 3
Ckoffend - Before you spend another $500+ on a pair of Mullard 12ax7 10M's, you might just want to try a pair of Sylvania 5751 triple mica black plate. They run around $60-80 a pair regularly on ebay. You might be pleasantly shocked. Once I heard ... 
What do defective phono tubes sound like?
The one easy thing about trouble-shooting tube gear, is the ease to swap out tubes as a first check for a problem. What you describe is very much what I recently observed with a phono stage (ARC MCP-33) power supply tube. There were loud pops and ... 
Room Correction Systems and Electrostatics?
As a SoundLabs A1 owner for over 3 years now, I too struggled with huge bass peaks in my room. I had 3: one at 14db around 30hz, and two others at around 6-7db at 100hz and 250hz. I just wanted to try out the PARC even though two audio friends (wh... 
Aesthetix Calypso VS ARC Reference 3
Is the Ref 3 twice as good? No. The law of diminishing returns is in effect.I have not heard the Ref3 but I'm very eager to compare it to the Aria WV. However I heard a Calypso with premium tubes directly against the Callisto Sig. several times an... 
The use of equipment as "tone controls"
Thanks - sometimes the obvious really does need to be stated.Perhaps, but what is often NOT obvious is how destructive the "obvious solution" can be.A $200-300 equalizer maybe resolve some tonality issues, i.e., peaks and valleys, but it can also ... 
Does anyone out there NOT hear a difference in CD
I must agree with Tvad. As a long time owner of a PD-65 (I sold it a year ago after 14+ years of great performance), I can say this is an unbeatable player standalone. But you will get magnitudes of sonic improvement with your money invested in a ...