
Responses from jafox

12AT7 tube
Do some research on the 6201 family as well. 
ARC LS5 mk3 or BAT VK-31 SE
Billandsol:I heard both in two systems: my own and at a dealer. Here are some links to A'gon threads I contributed to in the past.http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?aamps&1167535881&read&keyw&zzls5http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi... 
Can a Receiver do the work of 3 Adcom Products??
A used Denon 5800 would tear up your Adcom separates. I have seen this Denon sell on A'gon for $800 and bought one as a gift. I could not believe the sonic performance! As an owner of old Adcom separates, I know they are not even close to this Den... 
Which tube preamp meets all these needs?
HT bypass can mean different things. If all you are concerned with is "unity gain" that is fine. But in this mode does the input get hard wired directly to the output or does it go through active circuitry first? 
Which tube preamp meets all these needs?
#5 reduces the list dramatically. However, the BAT VK5 series may come very close to your criteria. But I am not sure it has a HT bypass. And unfortunately finding a tube preamp (with HT bypass) that does not need to be powered on is really tough. 
Review: Aria WV5 XL (Line Stage only) Tube preamp
Hello Gerbie,The Counterpoint SA-2 is back with Michael Elliot to have its power supply rebuilt with the same parts he uses in the WV XL. I am very eager to hear the SA-2 into the WV's MM input vs. the WV's SUT MC input. I have also looked into im... 
Power Cord w/ lean bass
Purist Audio Dominus Ferrox. Doesn't have lean bass, but it controls bass like no other power cord I know. I would agree with this strength of the Dominus Ferox but the Stealth M5000 quite handily beat the Dominus here at it own game when I had a ... 
Tube preamp noise
Furthermore, among 4 sockets, one socket always generates more tapping noise regardless whatever combination of tubes used.This might also indicate that a tube socket needs to be replaced. 
Io line out mod?
I would contact Aesthetix about this. It might be fairly easy to tap off a pair of connections in the circuit just before the volume control. Hopefully the device connected here has a high enough input impedance to not affect the Io's circuit. You... 
Lack in harmonic richness
The idea of inserting any kind of EQ will only destroy more of the harmonic information. Such a device resolves issues with tonal coherency ..... it has NOTHING to do with retrieving the dimensionality aspects, decays and bloom in the music.I trie... 
Lack in harmonic richness
On the other hand, I have never heard instruments "bloom" in the concert hall. That's interesting as I was in Carnegie Hall in April andeven up 20 rows or so, the piano had tremendous bloom. I can only dream of having that sound in my room; but af... 
Lack in harmonic richness
First of all, let's eliminate the SoundLab A1's as the problem. The most important thing to me in a music system has been to render the space and harmonic overtones. And the SoundLab A1's like the big Maggies do this incredibly well. However, the ... 
Review: SMc VRE-1 Preamplifier
Dott_c - Thanks for sharing the VRE-1 here. There's much focus on the VRE-1's incredible tonal coherency but I am left with uncertainties as to how it performs against the competition in other ways....and in the same system of course. Would you pl... 
Blind Shoot-out in San Diego -- 5 CD Players
Tvad: Maybe Alex can replace "those" resistors with higher-wattage models and beef up a couple regulators too so that you can hear what the player can really do. 8-) 
Blind Shoot-out in San Diego -- 5 CD Players
Thanks Tvad for your post. I tried to make it clear here that the 7062 tube was not supported by Alex. I have great respect for Alex and his work but to say that the sonic changes of the 7062 are due to its non-linearities and thus colorations com...