
Responses from jafox

Review: Aria WV5 XL (Line Stage only) Tube preamp
Hi Bart....I think I need another 20 or so pages for the Phd thesis.....so it scales down to just a Masters project. 8-)Bybee products indeed. JD of Jade Audio plays with these in his cables. And Steve at GNSC added these to the Manley DAC and the... 
A question about the logic of interconnect cables
I'll back my statement up with some evidence...Cambridge Audio, for example, supply all their components with a standard power cord, yet make a point of NOT including interconnects. That clearly means they have no issue with a standard PC, but kno... 
Purist Proteus Provectus tonearm cable.
Sirspeedy - I would not be too focused on materials, i.e., silver is good and gold is bad. The Jade Hybrid IC which uses a combination of these materials is an exemplary performer unlike any other IC I have tried. And another IC I tried at the sam... 
Purist Proteus Provectus tonearm cable.
Sirspeedy....The Hyperphono is a fabulous product indeed. I'd be willing to bet that the Graham 2.2/Hyperphono could match and possibly outperform the Phantom/IC-70 in many ways. When you hear the clarity brought on by the Hyperphono, the result i... 
Review: Aria WV5 XL (Line Stage only) Tube preamp
Thank you Spencer. I have noticed that a number of friends have changed their preamp more frequently than other system components. I am counting on the WV and SA-2 to get me off the preamp upgrade path for quite some time. I see that you have the ... 
Review: Aria WV5 XL (Line Stage only) Tube preamp
Thank you jazdoc for the compliments. I was fortunate to have saved my notes from the last three months. I had been delaying this review for weeks. Only because a number of A'gon members have emailed me regularly asking about the WV's performance ... 
Power Cable with a "soft" top end
threre is a dischotomy here. either a cable is soft or it isn't.But there are differences of softness as such differences can be detected by higher resolving systems.Let's look at the color red as defined by the RGB triplet (255, 0 0). This is as ... 
Power Cable with a "soft" top end
Mr Tennis, there can be no absolutes in this game. It's simply not possible. Nobody here has the tools nor the power senses to relate to anything here in absolutes. The best we can do is to compare a product under evaluation to one whose "levels" ... 
Power Cable with a "soft" top end
the problem with audiophile terms is that soft to one may be neutral to another. i can only speak from my experience as a listener and reviewer.I find that the problem with audiophile terms is that people tend to use them in absolute terms rather ... 
ARC Ref 3: Tung-Sol 6550 in power supply?
I've been following this thread hoping to learn from the "experimental" owners of the Ref3 and their findings on various tubes here. Thank you Ethannnn and Elberoth2 for sharing the details of your findings. I hope to soon borrow a Ref3, perhaps f... 
Power Cable with a "soft" top end
On the Aesthetix Io, Callisto, CAT JL-3 amps, Manley Ref Tube Dac, both Dominus PCs had clearly less treble energy(soft top end) than the KS Emotion. There is detail heard with the KS in the top octaves that was simply gone with the Dominus. I had... 
Power Cable with a "soft" top end
Purist Dominus, particularly the fluid version, but also the Ferox compared to other brands. 
How do I turn off my Pass Labs X1?
Ok ok, put it in a bath of water. That should do it. 
MC phono stage without transformer?
....and as Atmasphere pointed out, the more resolving your system is, the easier it is to hear the colorations of the transformer....The more resolving your system is, the easier it is to hear the colorations of anything! A large percentage of hig... 
MC phono stage without transformer?
Ron, I'm sure that you are enjoying your system's performance and maybe what I posted could help you to think and try to improve it.No doubt Raul genuinely cares for everyone here to enjoy the music but such a comment implies that his way is ultim...