
Responses from jafox

Output Couling Cap - V-Cap, Sonicap Plat, Duelund?
You might find THIS to be of some value. 
CAT versus Berning
Pubul57 - I sent you an email with some details on the various tubes in the 6922, 12au7 and 12ax7 sockets. Hope this gives you some ideas to try a few things vs. the stock Sovtek and Ei tubes.John 
CAT versus Berning
As a JL-3 owner driving an older pair of SoundLab A1s, I had a chance to hear the Berning in a direct comparison to the CATs into these speakers. The SL speakers are not the easiest load out there, but they are not the most difficult either. The B... 
Hmmm, I was wondering why the treble was a bit reduced lately. It's amazing what 40 tubes had been doing for me all that time. I'll just have to be content with the remaining 75 tubes in the system! And the room is a lot cooler now. But what's ama... 
Gabriel Gold IC's are they really this good?
I'm with Bob, there's much to share without us getting upset with each other.After I had the GG Rev's for a week, and reported my initial and final findings to Steve at GG, I figured that I would only share this information with a few close friend... 
Gabriel Gold IC's are they really this good?
Clio09 - Yes, I was kinda late with trying out the RS products. The Haley was a nice step forward in adding more clarity to the system. It impressed me so much I suggested to a couple friends to try it out. And they too were equally impressed.Keep... 
Gabriel Gold IC's are they really this good?
Audiobuzz: Your concerns are fair and yet any conclusions you make are wrong. You can insinuate all that you wish. If you pay attention to some of my comments early on with the Jade Vermeil and Gold cables, you will see that I had some concerns wi... 
Gabriel Gold IC's are they really this good?
Soundstage,depth of field,height of stage,detail,bass and even greater tonality and textures which these cables are becoming famous for occur after the 300 hour mark.Wow! That pretty much covers it for a perfect cable. I went into the GG Revelatio... 
12" Arm for Clearaudio Turntable
If the Champ II is like many Clearaudio TT's with pod-mounted armboards, you can have an armboard made to accommodate virtually any arm. You have to follow the arm-pivot-to-spindle-center distance for that specific arm, adjust the cartridge overha... 
Gabriel Gold IC's are they really this good?
The cables really take about 250-300 to fully break-in.The cables do experience sonic changes at about 40/100 and 150,however at about 300 hours you have EUPHORIAWhat actually is changing from 150 to 300 hours? Are we talking tonality changes as i... 
Good points, John. I have the same situation now where a 4-feet pair would work well. But I am likely to go with a longer pair that would be more universal. Ideally, for summer months, I need to find a cooler but similarly performing stereo amp to... 
Early Stealth Indras vs, later versions
I am not sure that all Indras without the titanium connectors would be classified as beta cables. Many were made with Cardas connectors before the Stealth connectors came along. These Cardas-RCA-based Indras perform mighty well in my system. I jus... 
I finally got a chance to get a sneak preview of the Jade speaker cables. For the last year or so I have been using PAD Opis speaker cables. These have a great tonal coherency to lock in well between the CAT JL-3 amps and SoundLab A1 speakers. The... 
Review: VTL TL 6.5 Tube preamp
Wow! What a most impressive report. Thank you for sharing. 
Any experience with the Audio Research PH7?
The best Audio Research is always the next model.My experience indicates that this is often not the case.