
Responses from jafox

What is this........midrange bloom??
What you have experienced and lost might take some time to achieve again if you have made so many changes. Four years ago I had NBS Statement cabling (ICs, PCs, Spkr Cable) throughout my system of Bat/Aesthetix/CAT electronics and SoundLab speaker... 
Vinyl sounds a bit thin and slightly strident.
Dgarretson provides good input on the TX2575 resistors. I just replaced 22 resistors in the audio section of a Counterpoint SA-2 with TX2575 and the clarity was greatly improved. I can relate to all the praise that Michael Elliot gave to these res... 
DIY interconnects ... found MUCH success
Very cool Timtim. What is the process that you use to maintain perfect spacing of 3/4" between the conductors through the length of the cable? Do you rely on the conductor threaded through the cotton to maintain this conductor separation? Does thi... 
Phono cable for Graham Phantom
I have owned numerous phono cables from the Stealth Hyperphono, Graham IC-70, MIT Oracle, Purist Dominus and the Hyperphono brings on a level of clarity and retains the dimensionality unlike any of the rest. It has been a great cable with the Grah... 
Any cables that give more bass
What is wrong with running your speaker wires thru a crossover, prior to the signal getting to your mains?From a purist perspective, the last thing anyone wants to do is route the signal (ultimately destined to the main speakers) through a subwoof... 
Any cables that give more bass
Many self-powered subwoofers connect via the main speakers connections or via the amplifiers output terminals so having a sub output on the amp is irrelevant.This is fine, but I would NEVER use a signal coming off a subwoofer that would ultimately... 
Vinyl sounds a bit thin and slightly strident.
One thing to do right away is get rid of those ARC supplied EH tubes. These are almost as horrible as the Sovtek. You will not believe how significant Telefunken, Mullard, Amperex, etc., 6922/6DJ8 tubes would make on the LS7. The midrange textures... 
Any cables that give more bass
I would also look at a solution other than playing with cables.The KEF 203 is rated down to 55hz. I would run a sub no higher than 60hz or so. The natural rolloff of the KEF's would make it unnecessary to insert a highpass filter before the amp to... 
Counterpoint DA-11 - Genesis Dig. Lens - DA-10 Dac
Dave is right on here. I owned many DACs [DA-10, ARC DAC3, Electrocompaniet ECD1, Classe DAC1, VTL Ref, Manley Ref (still own this)]in the last 10 years and the one that I sold and regret more than anything else is the DA-10. It truly is that good... 
looking for interconnect under 200 dollars
what does someone do with all of the opinions/recommendations ?....Suggestions provide for a good starting point as to what products to be on the lookout for audition. The more suggestions that I see for a given product, the higher that product re... 
looking for interconnect under 200 dollars
Anyone who tells you that cables will magically transform your system is smoking crack.I think of it from a different perspective. It is not so much that a cable can magically transform a system but rather that so many cables out there can instant... 
Best Blu Ray video and for 2 channel transport?
Keep your eyes out for the Pioneer Elite BDP series blu-ray players. I have the 94 and it works incredibly well as a transport (SPDIF RCA) into my tube DAC as well as toslink into the preamp/processor and HDMI into the TV. The 94 and 95 tend to go... 
most important?
This topic has been covered here many times. The Linn/Naim camp and many others swear that you MUST always put your "best" anything as close to the front of the chain as possible. But it's just not that simple with electronics nor with cables. One... 
Gabriel Gold IC's are they really this good?
Wow, John......what a heck of a report. Much value here. Thanks. 
ARC LS5 mk3 or BAT VK-31 SE
Bill,The BAT presentation is very different than that of the ARC. It's not all about refinements of tonal coherency, stronger frequency extremes, resolution, but more so about whether you like the presentation much more projected out into the room...