
Responses from jafox

Blind Shoot-out in San Diego -- 5 CD Players
How did this thread go from a report on the differences between CD players at one's home to a report over three years later on how phenomenal Sabai is at assembling an audio system? Ugh! 
Blind Shoot-out in San Diego -- 5 CD Players
Sabai: Ok ok ok ok, you made your point. Now let go. Be proud of your discovery of the EMM and leave it at that! 
Who is the KING of MONOS?
No, I prefer my amp because it can handle speakers beyond the simple benign impedance. If an amp is "rated" at much higher power output, but then falls apart when trying to drive the speaker that the much lower rated amp can handle, then Houston, ... 
Who is the KING of MONOS?
Paimei: Synergy is often a term used when someone applies a bandaid in a system to compensate for a flaw elsewhere. The importance of the amp/speaker interface is not so much about synergy but rather, compatibility.And again, contrary to the comme... 
Who is the KING of MONOS?
Paimei, I am not "with" Audiofeil at any time. However, he has far more knowledge and experience in this field than you realize. He just happens to have a low tolerance of nonsense here and his posts often reflect this.There is no way any amp can ... 
Who is the KING of MONOS?
.....but you can't make him drink.From so many lame responses here, I'd say many here have already had too much to drink. I'm with Audiofeil on this one.....STUPID THREAD! 
Is there a qulaity DAC that has USB and coaxial.
I would focus more on finding a DAC that really nails it for you musically. If it does not have a USB input, there are many USB-SPDIF or USB-AES/EBU converters out there. Empirical Audio is one product to consider. It is not cheap but it is top pe... 
Spending on dac vs amp
Spend only $250 for a used DAC? Geez, how horrible that will be! And in a system of otherwise fairly decent performing products? NOT! You're pushing your luck to find any DAC, new or used, for less than $500, and probably closer to $1000, that wil... 
Old vs New Magnepan 1.7 vs Tympani IV
You should include as a third choice good deal on a 3 series .... used pair of 3.3 at less than $1500 or 3.5 at less than $2k. 
AR Ref 300 Vs 300 Mark II Sonic differences...
I would take the 6922 input any day. And remove the Sovtek tube, throw it in the trash and try out any number of tubes such as the Telefunken, Amperex PQ, Valvo, etc. 
best position of components in relation to spkers?
I have been following this thread. The dominant view here seems to be to remove the components from between the speakers. My experience is much different here.For many years I had the rack on the back wall with only the mono amps (CAT JL3) next to... 
Counterpoint upgrade or Virtue Audio?
The last time I visited his site it said they were only going to do repairs in the future.That is only true for the top line stage (SA11) and mono amps as the cost to update these is more expensive than buying the new products under his Aria compa... 
Best ARC tube amps for classical music?
Correction: Low impedance and efficiency does not make an Audio Research tube amp happy. 
Counterpoint upgrade or Virtue Audio?
Mike indeed is doing updates but only on some items as shown on his site. However, I think you would do better if you sold your existing Counterpoint items and used this money along with the money you would spend to update these and look for deals... 
Audio Research Preamp Experts?
If you don't care about phono performance, it makes no sense to chase something like the SP-6, 8 and 10. They were outstanding in their days with phono, but their line stages are dreadful compared to the clarity, lower noise and greater dynamics o...