
Responses from itzhak1969

Review ATC SCM 40 A floorstanders.....finally
ATC are part of the glorious British family of wonderfull brands such as Proac, PMC and Harbeth. all great speakers that focusing on natural and neutral reproduction of music with great musicality . 
Do I need a sub woofer to match my ATC SCM11s
Good luck with your new sub ! Please keep us update how did they fit into your system and if they fulfill your your expectations. 
In search for speakers of "natural" sound
Harbeth 30.1 are very good speakers before changing your speakers I suggest to look into upgrading cables or maybe your DAC.You didn't advise ud what is your source of spinning music maybe the problem is there ? 
In search for speakers of "natural" sound
ATC,Proac,PMC and Spendor are consider to be very natural.You didn’t tell us which Harbeth speakers you have and what is your system so it’s very hard to give serious comment to your question. 
Do I need a sub woofer to match my ATC SCM11s
If you want really professional sub I can recommend the ATC : power cables I am using Atlas cables but they are quite expensive .Wireworld and Audioquest have very good pow... 
Do I need a sub woofer to match my ATC SCM11s
Upmarket power chords can make huge difference also interconnects and speaker cables but you have to match them carefully to your system ,if it doesn't help and you feel that your speakers are not good enough in low frequencies it's better to upgr... 
Do I need a sub woofer to match my ATC SCM11s
It’s very difficult to integrate sub to the system and most of the subs are awful.The ATC SCM 11 are very good speakers you sure that you are lacking low frequency in your system ? If so I would try to upgrade all the cables including the power ch... 
3 best 10k speakers now imho
You can add easily the Proac Response D48r to the top 3 ,one of the best speakers today on the 10k range. 
Help with kef r900 issue
Kef offered you  a reasonable solution and will fixed the problem under warranty but you are not willing to go into this process,I can understand your frustration I would probably do the same and change the speakers to other brand. 
Help with kef r900 issue
Try to change to upmarket power chords cables sometimes it can make the sounds better and smoother.Because you have this disturbance on both speakers I assume that there is some misfit between your system to the speakers that can be solve.I am pre... 
Help with kef r900 issue
If it happened to one of the speaker it must be defective one but you are saying both speakers have thisamdvit never distortion and that you never experienced this before so it's very strange,Did you try to change cables? 
Help with kef r900 issue
It’s a big risk to buy without demo,if you don’t like the Kef sell them .what you're describing is typical to overbright speakers .Next time make sure to make a demo before buying. 
In need high-efficency speakers
Low power tube amp can be an issue once trying to drive floorstanders not sure changing your speakers will solve this problem.It’s better take your Mystere to a local dealer and check it out with some speakers before making any decision. 
Hard to sell my Klipsch Heritage Speakers for a possible Harbeth upgrade.
If you like your system change nothing .Upgrade should be done only if you are not satisfy from something or if you want to get better level of performance.I heard many cases of ones who change their speakers and regret it and in some cases even b... 
Revel salon 2 break-in period?
Every speaker needs break-in period of 200 to 600 hours to open up and fulfill its full potential,You just need to be patient.