
Responses from itzhak1969

Differences between cd transports?
CEC still manufacturing belt-drive transports and they are very good almost bought one last year but eventually bought the Simudio Moon 260D transport( without the inner dac version) a substantial step up then my perviously CD transport Cambridge ... 
Looking for speaker recommendations
The PMC Twenty5.26’s are very good speakers but their low sensitivity (86db)required much more power than your April Music Aura can give.I suspect there is nothing wrong with your speakers they just deserve better amplification with much more powe... 
Looking for speaker recommendations
Maybe the problem is not with your speakers but in your system.Please give us more information about your system . 
Relaxed, musical DAC around 2k used?
I have a McIntosh D100 which is the same as the D150 except the dsd capability and it doesn’t certainly suffer from weak bass and overly emphasized treble as you describe on the contrary the bass is tight and powerful ,the treble is natural and sm... 
KEF Reference 1 vs. Olympica 1
I think the big problem with the Kef Reference series are its aluminium twitter and drivers their sound can be harsh, bright and over analytical so it’s very hard to tune them to sound correct .I am not a big fan of metalic made drivers. 
New KEF Reference 5 speakers
This is a proof that good speakers really needVery long break-in .my first Proac speakers open up after almost a year and my current Proac speakers (D30RS) opened up only after more than 6 month.Glad you liked your Kef speakers eventually. 
Opinions about upgrade
The ATC 40 passive are not easy speakers due their very low sensitivity (85dB) I suspect your Hegel will not be able to drive them properly .I storngly recommend you to give a chance to the Proac D30RS, they are very special speakers once you hear... 
Opinions about upgrade
Proac D30RS is in completely different league than your D18 this my current speakers and I guess it's my last speakers I ever buy. They have the wormth, depth and sofistication that the D18 & D20 don’t .Take into consideration initially the D3... 
Why price of Tannoy speakers from online retailers in UK is cheaper than in US
And vice versa retailers in US iare cheaper than in UK for gear imported from US to the UK there are dutties and freight costs to be paid. 
Auditioning had a huge affect on my potential budget
2 channels stereo amp will be always better than HT receiver .I had before 7.1 HT system but got rid of it and moved to hi end stereo system everything sounds much better now . 
Small drivers vs big drivers
Specs can't tell you much . speakers with great specs may sound awfull and vice versa.It really depands on your system ,room size, acoustic treatment, placement of the speakers acct. . The only test is your ears go and listen till you find the cor... 
Proac D48R
Email Straight to Proac and ask them. 
Proac Studio 140 mk2
The 140 mk2 have very powerful bass if that’s what you are looking for and will fit well to your room,the mid and high is detailed and transparent .They are very good speakers but certainly not high end ,don’t forget this model is only the entry l... 
ProAc comparison
The K8 are one of the best speakers but do need top notch system and very large listening space . 
Proac Studio 140 mk2
Hi Gary,I owned the 140 MKII till I upgraded to the Proac Response D30RS six month ago .What is the dimensions of your listening space ?What is your system ?What’s wrong with your Usher speakers ?