
Responses from itzhak1969

Vienna Acouctics Beethoven Concert Grand vs. Avalon ascendant mk2
The question is if you have proper system to drive such a demand speakers. 
Home demo. ProAc D48R and Spendor D9
The last thing the D48 needs is additional subwoofer to the system...I think a small aqustic treatment and the D48 will be excellent .If I had the space to accommodate them I certainly would take the D48 since I don't I compromise on D30 which are... 
Home demo. ProAc D48R and Spendor D9
I currently own the D30RS wonderful speakers but my listening space is half of the OP I am not sure if the D30RS can fill this kind of large space but it will be interesting experiment if the OP will try this option and advise us his impressions. 
CD Transports
Nuprime  is using unusual design their CDP can be up sampled to PCM and DSD, from 44.1kHz to 768kHz or DoP256,The conversion is achieved by up-sampling to mega hertz before down converting to the targeted sampling rate .I think this approach might... 
Home demo. ProAc D48R and Spendor D9
I personally prefer the D48 with the correct acustic treatment you can tune the bass properly . it’s clear that the D9 integrated better in your space but you prefer the D48 sound. Very frostrated indeed... 
New Gallo Strata's sound like tin-cans: break-in time problem?
"I have the pre at full volume, and Strata’s output is only slightly above conversation level. "What you're describing is not a matter of break-in something is seriously wrong here it may he a bad sinergy with your system but my suspicion is that ... 
CD Transports
I owned the cheap Cambridge CXC transport it sounded great but I felt I could do better and upgraded to the Simaudio moon 260T (about 2K ) it was not a day and night difference but it is better in every area than the CXC .A good coax and power cho... 
Home demo. ProAc D48R and Spendor D9
There is no perfect speakers ,there are some strengths points for D48 that are better than the D9 and there are some strengths for the D9 that are better than the D48 , There's always compromise when choosing the right speakers for you.From what y... 
Home demo. ProAc D48R and Spendor D9
You are right ribbon twitters are much more sensitive than dome ones but they are much better , the differences are substantial : more details every small naunce is comming to life ,voices are liflike natural . ribbons are suppirier at every aspect. 
Home demo. ProAc D48R and Spendor D9
total room area of 26’ x 13’ x 14’ can accommodate the D9 and D48 just fine, bass trapping solutions can tune the bass of the D48 but if you’re filling the bass of D48 is too much for your taste try the D30 .you should take into consideration that... 
Digital Room Correction For Speakers
Any room EQ can fix some problems but might degrade the sound on other areas because every component that implement equaliser manipulate the sound and harm the original recording .You should be very careful once you decide to buy room EQ it's bett... 
Home demo. ProAc D48R and Spendor D9
Proac ribbon twitter is one of the best I ever heard I think is better than the D9. Proac innovative pulp & mica driver deliver excellent mid but the bass of the D48 can be too powerful and a little bit out of control especially on mid/small s... 
Does anyone have a Schiit Yggy DAC?
82F is reasonable temp. for a DAC, I don't see any problem here. 
Benchmark DAC1 vs Musichall Dac 25.3 : A/B test
"Another example showing that all well-engineered DAC's will sound essentially alike"LOL ! 
Benchmark DAC1 vs Musichall Dac 25.3 : A/B test
Can be some reasons :1. Your ears aren’t refined enough to notice the difference.2. Both DACs are more or less at the same level so there is no real difference between them.3. Your system is not good enough so it  is not capable to reveal the diff...