
Responses from itzhak1969

PMC 24 and Canalis Cambria two way floorstanders; What is the advantage to this design?:
Buying speakers on line without a demo based solely on reviews and forum members' opinions is a big gamble, I did this mistake once in the past and sold the speakers after less than a year. 
Bi Wire vs Speaker Jumpers
Bi wire method is voodoo ( bi amplifying is another story of course) ,I bought a year ago hi end jumpers(same brand & series as my speaker cables) and the improvement was so huge it left me speechless , from my experience the jumpers should be... 
PMC 24 and Canalis Cambria two way floorstanders; What is the advantage to this design?:
I owned all my life 3 way speakers , and 4 years ago bought the Proac 140 MKII 2.5 way design actually it’s a 2 way design with double mid/bass drivers and found it’s the best design I ever heard ,the bass don’t punch in your face as 3 way speaker... 
Musician vs. audiophile
Before changing your system try first to change your cables I upgraded  all my cables (speakers,coax ,interconnect and jumpers) to Tellurium Ultra Black with great results much more details, transparency and dynamics . 
Mcintosh MC7100 opinion
Parasound Halo has enough power reserves to move your speakers and even more demanding speakers than yours.In general I am not a big fan of B&W speakers always found them laid back and too bright .how long do you your speakers ? Maybe it’s tim... 
New Yggdrasil - First (and second) Impressions
I agree dacs  make a bigger difference than what transports do, Basic dedicated cd transport with a good dac will bring much better results than hi end cd transport with basic dac . 
New McIntosh MA252
I think the new MA252 is very strange gear although it’s an hybrid the SS section doesn’t include the famous output autoformers Mcintosh is knowing for also its low weight is ringing a bell here ,I certainly think the MC275 is much better option i... 
DACs and bass response?
@stuartk the digital cables play very important part to allow the dac to perform at its best you must explore a little further here.I use the Tellurium Q black coax cable which has extremely low jitter and designed to combat fase distortation with... 
DACs and bass response?
In general I found that there is a trade of between mid/high to low dynamics  and not only in Dacs, gear that sounds very detailed and 'sweet' (strong at mid and high) doesn't peoduce strong punchy  bass and in contrary gear that has accurate  and... 
Need recommendation for CD transport (not Cambridge)
Happy that you found what you are looking for the Cyrus is definitely better than the Cambridge. 
Has anyone made the jump to $uper High end and were disappointed?
I went to sound show couple of months ago and heard systems that cost twice /triple and more compare to mine .Did it sounded better than mine ?Yes it did.Did it sounded twice/triple and more compare to my system ?No it didn’t !!!My conclusion is t... 
Need recommendation for CD transport (not Cambridge)
Cyrus CD t is great transport sold in the UK around 700 pounds.I own the CXC for more than a year no issues at all works fine with my McIntosh dac yours must ba faulty.  
CEC TL5 Belt Drive CD Transport
@rx8manWhat did you find better in the TL-3N compare to the TL-2N ? 
bryston bcd-3 vs cambridge 851c
Sorry I meant at the last 5 years anyway the 851C is their top current CD player. 
New Yggdrasil - First (and second) Impressions
I moved from analog to digital from practical reasons but I always preferred analog till I bought the Macintosh D100 pre/dac which also includes Sabre chips and I couldn’t believe my ears it sounds to me completely analog it was the first time tha...