
Responses from inscrutable

7.1 DTS/ES, DD/EX, DPLII Seperates OR Denon 4802
Wait a month for the Outlaw 950 ... all of that for $899. They'll have package pricing on the new 770 7-ch amp also, or you can pick up some used amps. 
What would you do differently?
Kelly,A friend once described owning a big sailboat akin to sitting on a block of ice in the shower and throwing 20's in the toilet. I don't think of owning one of those and a pony as a cheaper alternative to this hobby ;-)Although my marriage is ... 
Is this really all that much of an issue? In almost 25 years of ownership I've had one "defect" (a speaker selector switch LONG out of warranty) and the normal belt/cartridge replacements (including after one of the cats attacked a spinning record... 
What is causing my speaker hum?
Yes the most likely cause is the cable tv. you can correct this with 75 > 300 > 75 ohm adaptors. if it is ground loop in the ac, i would hesitate to go to cheater plugs, which floats (eliminates) the grounding of your equipment - this is not... 
Recommended female vocalists?
Holly Cole, Annie Haslam (Renaissance), Diana Krall 
Best Integrated 50wpc under 600 used
Subdoofus,Check out the charity auctions right here. There is an ASL (Antique Sound Labs) 5W/15W SET integrated - retails at $600, bids around $400 right now. Should be a great match. Or try one of the Bottlehead pre's with the ASL WAV-8's. You mi... 
VA: Anybody in southern VA interested in an audio club?
east, west or central? there are rest areas at I95, 85, and 77 ;-) 
Fourplay ...yes please Jazz CD
Although Larry Carlton is the guitarist on Yes Please, I have some others that feature Lee Ritenour, FWIW. Enjoy them all anyway.And although I enjoy his music, Keith Jarrett's condescending commentary could be sold as an alternative to syrup of i... 
Speakers recommendations when placement is an issue
Since you have both rear and side boundary issues, I agree with Gregg (and other others) who have suggested you consider monitors and a separate sub. Since you mention ProAc, you could get a pair of Response 1SC, the matching center, and a musical... 
Best A/V Receiver Under 700
Used Nakamichi AV-10 (if you can live without dts) has best 2-ch quality of those I've heard. 
Melissa Etheridge, An Overview of Her Music
Hi Craig & Jim,Another Melissa fan here, tho I don't listen to as much of her (or rock) as I used to. Must be getting old - seem to be more attracted to the likes of Patricia barber and Holly Cole. Nonetheless, she has gotten a lot of airplay ... 
monitor w/ bass?
No monitor is really going to be able to give you a "full-range" response but can be very satisfying musically nonetheless. Are you really going to put them on a bookshelf? If so, there are other considerations, such as porting configuration. Any ... 
PRojector v. RPTV
Well, "pretty good" and "somewhat" don't inspire a lot of confidence in recommending a CRT-based FPTV. If you are not a rabid videophile who cannot tolerate less-than-black-blacks you may be happiest with a LCD/DLP/D-ILA based projector. Done any ... 
Good used surround processors??
Kitchener,Welcome to another RAO refugee! Like I said somewhere here recently, I just stop reading when the threads turn irreversibly ugly - never seemed to get more than 4 posts in at RAO ;-)Can't say I've heard those Energy's and have no idea wh... 
PRojector v. RPTV
Depends. Are you a tweaker or do you prefer plug-and-play? Do you have very good room light control? How big a screen do you want?