

Responses from imhififan

Which upgraded fuse is recommended for an Onkyo and Elac setup?
@cleedsDo the math, It should be $11k!!!My bad ;) 
Hard to decide, I love them all.... 
Barry White, one of the best. 
Yagin: does anybody have any thoughts on Yagin? Never herd of them?
Sorry no experience with Yaqin vacuum tube CD player, IME, Shanling Auido CD player are quite good. 
Which upgraded fuse is recommended for an Onkyo and Elac setup?
really? Yep! A Absolute Dream Power Cord can transform your $1k system to $10K!!!https://www.thecableco.com/cables/power-cables/crystalpower-absolute-dream-power-cord.html 
REL Subwoofers help
You can check your setting by using some test tone:https://www.audiocheck.net/audiotests_frequencychecklow.phpand http://onlinetonegenerator.com/subwoofer.html 
Correct Way to Connect an EQ in my Hifi System ?
Tape Recorder 1 Out > In to EQTape Recorder 1 In > Out of EQ Turned Selector to Recorder 1 and turned on TT w LP - got nothing I think you should turn the input selector to TT, and push "rec out" button on the PM11S1 front panel to use the... 
Counterfeit DL103?
Does it came with a QC data sheet?http://www.audiophileaddicts.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Denon103-FrequencyResponseAndOutputPlot-... 
Pathos Logos
Quad 909 Binding Posts
HT Pre\pro with digital out
miniDSP 4x10 Hd https://www.minidsp.com/products/minidsp-in-a-box/minidsp-4x10-hd 
Mounting TV Above Fireplace
If still at entry level turntable would a new amp make much difference?
My suggestion is a RCM if you don’t have one.https://www.google.com/search?q=record+cleaning+machine 
Can anyone help me remove a stuck fuse holder from my tube amp?
Replace the fuse holder!https://www.amazon.com/dp/B005T6O72M/ref=sspa_dk_detail_4?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B005T6O72M&pf_rd_m=A...You can’t use that holder even the fuse is out. 
McIntosh power issue
The amps are also slightly humming, they may have before and I just didn’t notice but something is not normal. Really hoping it’s my power and not the amps. If there DC present on your AC main, the Emotiva CMX-2 should be able to  eliminati...