

Responses from imhififan

Subwoofer/monoblock connection
IF your amps are not differential amps, your connects are as Miller states. https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/subwoofer-connection-conundrum?sort_order=asc    
Unknown High Frequency Distortion, Recording or Speaker?
When I run sine waves, no issue. It will start from 20hz and cycle all the way up to 20Khz with zero distorition. How you measure the distortion?  
Subwoofer/monoblock connection
Put these two together and it means all you have to do is connect +/- to +/-. Caution!!! Some amplifier (bridged amplifier and some class D amplifier) are not safe to connect to subwoofer via high level (speaker level) +/- to +/- connection. W... 
Luxman sq38u from Europe
I would like to use it here without a step up transfer if possible. What country?  It seems possible, its transformer has multi-tap primary winding.   
AR XB headshell/tonearm
@bdp24  https://www.hifishark.com/search?q=ar+xa    
AR XB headshell/tonearm
@cd318, AR turntables are highly collectible, I hope OP can keep it as original as possible during refurbishing and use that after market headshell or diy something similar to install his cartridges.   
KEF 107 without Kube
According to John Atkinson ’s 1991 measurements, the KEF107 definitely need kube in circuit or some sort of EQ for bass extension. https://www.stereophile.com/images/archivesart/10791FIG09.jpg 
2v, 4v, or 1v input better?
It depends on the sources, cartridge and phono stage output voltage, play with those setting and decide what is best.  
AR XB headshell/tonearm
Headshell for AR XA/XB  https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/qZ4AAOSwk7xcxHc5/s-l1600.jpg 
I want to get a processor...Where do I connect the surrounds
If it is for movies only, an 7 channel amplifier should be fine. If use it for stereo also, a stereo amp or 2 mono blocks + an 5 channel amplifier, featured with auto turn-on function is a plus. how do you guys run the center channel surrounds an... 
Right Channel dropped out Bryston BP-26P (upgraded from BP-25P)
Glad you have it resolved 😌  
Right Channel dropped out Bryston BP-26P (upgraded from BP-25P)
The balance control issue is driving me nuts! It doesn’t make any sense. However, balance ctrl in center, I have left channel output in both speakers. Balance Ctrl fully to right channel...nothing. If the Bryston 4B cubed is set to bridged mode,... 
Right Channel dropped out Bryston BP-26P (upgraded from BP-25P)
However, balance ctrl in center, I have left channel output in both speakers. Have you check if the MODE selector on the back panel of Bryston 4B cubed is set to INDIVIDUAL?  
Dynaudio Confidence C1 MKI treble
If the speakers are over 15 years old, tweeter ferrofluid could be dried out.  
Should I replace capacitors in an old but working amp?
Replacing the electrolytic caps with film caps if they can fit in the space.