

Responses from imhififan

Does anybody make...
I think what you want is a "Audio Distribution Amplifier", which connect among the preamp stereo outputs to the inputs of power amps. Rolls-DA134-4-Channel-Distribution-Amplifier  
Crossover help?
I do get a bleep from both terminals so assume thats the parallel resistor. I think you wired the high pass crossover wrong. If there’s a parallel resistor, it should be after the capacitor and connect across the tweeter +/- terminal. If the p... 
How to tame a bright system?
If possible, please help to focus on the cable rather than the other components. Sorry, IMO, you pairing bright sounding amplifier to bright sounding speakers, my suggestion is save your money on cable and go try some speakers with soft-dome t... 
Strange Problem: Philips 867 Turntable ...Please read
Same explanation: The power amplifier switch–on surge sent a pulse signal triggered the table to turn on. IF plugged in the turntable directly into wall outlet and touch the 33 or 45 speed panel still can't turn on the table, your table is not w... 
Strange Problem: Philips 867 Turntable ...Please read
If plugged in the turntable directly into wall outlet and touch the 33 or 45 speed panel still can't turn on the table, the only explanation I can think of is when switch on the RGR Pre-amp, its switch contact arced and sent a pulse signal trigger... 
Position of speaker cables and irregular behavior
If you move your sitting position can you get the center image?  
Hum on inputs of new Rogue Sphinx v3
If you disconnect the TV DAC from the preamp input and the noise/hum disappear, try a Ground Loop Isolator between DAC output and preamp input may help. https://www.amazon.com/InstallGear-Ground-Isolator-Noise-Filter/dp/B077Y5DLBB     
Convert Accuphase C27 from 100V to 120V
Congrats! Thanks for posting the result. Please confirm if the 120V wire configuration as following: Black to Black Yellow to Yellow  >  Blue soldered wire Brown to Brown White to White  >  white soldered wire This may helps other membe... 
Using SUBWOOFERS internal crossover...
When the signal is routed through the subwoofer, the piano moves TO THE LEFT... This is not a problem usually. It sounds like there might be something wrong with the sub crossover. I agree with @russ69, seems like the high pass crossover was... 
The Big Misconception About Electricity
Don't just watch the video only, click the "YouTube" icon on the right bottom screen and read the comments!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHIhgxav9LY    
Accuphase C-200, X, L, V What is the difference?
The C-200 came out in 1973.  The X version came out in 1980.  The L version in 1984 and the V version in 1987. There also a C-200 S version released in 1977 https://audio-database.com/Accuphase-kensonic/amp/C-200S-e.html  
Sexiest New 'Vintage'-Style Integrated/Amp/Receiver
This sexy is great in the bed room 🛏  
Sexiest New 'Vintage'-Style Integrated/Amp/Receiver
Leben CS-300F  
SVS PB-1000 Pro vs SVS PB-2000
Unless you need the speaker level connection on PB1000pro, otherwise go for the PB2000. It bigger, heavier, with higher output power amplifier and higher input impedance which has less chance to load down a tube preamp output, built-in high pass c... 
Subwoofers: speaker level vs line level
Because Output transformer in the tube amp is the limiting factor of low frequency extension if connect subwoofer via speaker level connection. https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/jl-audio-cr-1-crossover