

Responses from ieales

If you don't have a wide sweet spot, are you really an audiophile?
I built stuff for professional recording and movie studios.I did 'research' into time/phase vs frequency. One can 'fix' frequency response with an equalizer. We preferred aligned drivers.We are talking about the time/phase of ONE speaker used in s... 
If you don't have a wide sweet spot, are you really an audiophile?
The only arrival time that matters is differential arrival time, i.e. the time difference between the time a sound reaches each ear. Arrival time is how we localize sound in the world.Phase coherence is how we tell if it's live or Memorex.Unfo... 
If you don't have a wide sweet spot, are you really an audiophile?
This is totally not true. Timing is true in the live music world, but for playback, most of our imaging with the exception of specific dual microphone setups rarely used, imaging is primarily volume, and phase does not play into it, not even one l... 
If you don't have a wide sweet spot, are you really an audiophile?
I gather you’re not handed the same, specific seat that says "Reserved to Mr./Ms. [insert name]" as the one and only place to have a proper concert experience, in fact there’s a range seats centered to the stage that will be quite excellent sou... 
If you don't have a wide sweet spot, are you really an audiophile?
^^ see  ieLogical SubterraneanHomesickBlues for a little insight into integrating subs. Moving my head over 8-10 inches either side, lost the sweet spot. Standing up? Fugetaboutit! Sounded good as long as I sat completely still. Nah, Not for me.... 
If you don't have a wide sweet spot, are you really an audiophile?
Magico or Paradigm or anything of that ilk, as my pal Bob said, spreads the image like mayonnaise. I'm less kind and call it a bucket of mush.  I want the image to be as I recorded and mixed it. If I have that, then I have a good representation o... 
Cable septic
^^^ Some can hear cable differences. Some cannot.Some people have perfect pitch. Some have relative pitch. Some are tone deaf. Far too many listeners are able to reliably detect [80%+] differences in ABX blind tests for there to be no difference.I... 
Driver breakin period, what’s the science?
^^ we wish you would... permanently 
Driver breakin period, what’s the science?
Relative output of your driver's did not change more than a fraction of a db after the first few hours. The crossover points may have changed a very small amount. Back in the day, we broke in studio woofers with a Crown DC-300 input pad plugged... 
Open Letter To REL, SVS, Hsu, etc., et al
Martin-Logan includes ARC with their x series. It can be setup from a smartphone. Better results obtained with the Perfect Bass Kit. It uses 5 positions. Well worth the investment.I’ve tried setting up a few crossover-only-sub for pals and the bes... 
Open Letter To REL, SVS, Hsu, etc., et al
From REL T9/i web page:"Because the additional speed and impact of the new drivers requires greater control or the benefits can be lost before they get to the listener."This kind of Nonsense by REL is pure malarkey for them with $$, no skill and c... 
Open Letter To REL, SVS, Hsu, etc., et al
I purchased a pair of REL S2 SHO subwoofers and I still don't know if I have them set up right. With the rudimentary REL controls, one would have to be very lucky to integrate properly for 2ch music.It's almost a certainty they might need place... 
Open Letter To REL, SVS, Hsu, etc., et al
Once again, if your 2 channel speakers such so bad in bass that you need to "Dr" it with a sub, you bought the wrong set of 2 channel speakers to begin with and they should be replaced Pronto. All my opinion, some may object lol.... @audioguy8... 
Open Letter To REL, SVS, Hsu, etc., et al
@james_edward Download REW, buy a UMIK or Dayton EMM-6 microphone, learn how to use them and do it up right.Failing that, well recorded material trumps test tones 6 ways to Sunday. My fav is a large pipe band recorded out of doors. When the sub is... 
If Cables Are Not Tone Controls...
I cannot upgrade it because I am near top of the line cost ≠ sonic quality. Cable properties interact with the devices they connect.I can't count the number of times an upgrade wasn't with one piece of gear and was near nirvana with another....