

Responses from ieales

Different amplifier class for different music genres?
For example for metal is important to have fast transients, leading edges of electronic instruments to be well reproduced, as well as fast paced and deep bass, while for classical reproduction of the accuracy of the acoustic instruments and super... 
Single vs. Dual Subs
Single vs. Dual Subs
All IMO:the most bang for the buck are the Martin-Logan x series. Complete control set, available Perfect Bass Kit make integration a doddle.JL Audio are very good, but pricier.REL ain't what they used to be and are more jewelry than engineering. ... 
Tube vendors.
Brent @ AudioTubes. Great deals on NOS, but some are not so NOS but given the pricing, ridiculously good value.eBay but ya gots to know what you're doing. 
Single vs. Dual Subs
XO is a crossover.BW Butterworth, LR Linkwitz-Riley, BE Bessel which are types of crossovers. Each type has a different phase and group delay which impact how well the subs integrate with the mains.Order is dB/octave and controls the slope.The  V... 
Single vs. Dual Subs
Read Floyd Toole's book before embarking on room treatment.Are you driving the mains full range?What type of XO [BW,LR, BE & order] are you using? 
Single vs. Dual Subs
Pray, do tell us all.Integrated model and connections, Main speakers, room dimensions, DSP parameters, sub models & location 
Single vs. Dual Subs
It depends on the room, the mains and most of all, fc and slope.If fc and slope reach into the lower mid-bass, one sub is localizable and must be placed between the mains.IMO, 2 subs are mandatory for 2 channel. 3+ is a crowd. 
Tubes for Magnepan’s.
I hope the big shows return this year so I can attend one. Be sure to take along the rest of your system. 
Class D amps that are superior to all or most?
But you will need a warm/musical/tube preamp to tame the high (easily bright on many tracks) and lossen the low (can be too tight and fast). Sticking something in front will not solve the issue which is between the amp filter, the cable and the... 
Tubes for Magnepan’s.
Do it properly.Use a SS for the woofers and a high quality tube for the Mid/Twt. When someone mentioned a Citation II above, I recalled that’s what I first used w Tympani IV. BUT w 350wpc SS woofer amp.As a fellow recording engineer said at the ti... 
Using 2 different brands of interconnects?
^^^from the man who askedI now have a low level buzzing coming out of my tweeters even when i am in mute. It happens even with the amp on and preamp off never had this before. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks in advance. [in  Low level buzz... 
Tubes for Magnepan’s.
POWER = V x I. I = V / R.Increase driver resistance and you decrease the power in the driver and thus the sound level.You could increase the magnet strength which would require a heavier frame, thus blocking some more area and thus the sound level... 
Tubes for Magnepan’s.
Expecting a tube pre / ss combo to emulate a tube power amp is a fools errand. It could sound very nice depending on the power amp. 
Tube Flavor
Tubes vary per unit.Start by numbering or otherwise identifying each tube and 'roll' a pair at a time. For a small power amp w 2 different input and 2 power valves per channel there are 96 permutation. [2 x 2 x 24] With 2 same input tubes and 2 po...