
Responses from hifimaniac

Are any e-zines covering the Stereophile show????
Enjoyed the Manley;Joseph Audio,Orphuem digital room. Excellent sonics and music and the Pearls sounded incredible. Also loved the Wilson Maxx with new VTL monoblock tube amps. Digital was the Meitner DAC 8, the professional version...the best I h... 
Krell KPS25SC- How good is this piece really?
I own it and love it! Best digital I have heard for the money unless you want to pay for the Levinson seperates or dc elgar. Preamp is excellent and easy to use. It has many connections for other digital equipment to use its dac and a theater thro... 
Egads - Changing rooms for the worse...
Just one more piece of advice coming from my experience with my wife. She had two cats and when we got married she never told me that one of the cats loved to bite cables. Well, $1000 dollars later after chewing through my interconnect I learned t... 
Egads - Changing rooms for the worse...
Find a new girlfriend...don't move in! Your ears and sanity will thank you later. 
Phono interconnect recommendation?
Bob Crump's phono cable. His company is TG audio..very competively priced. I prefered it in every way to the Harmonic Tech Silver I used. 
Does it matter where a CD is manufactured?
Maybe I should clarify my comments above. I am talking about remastered CD's of the original recording released at the same time in the U.S.,UK and Japan, not a newer remastered version being compared to an older CD version. I bought copies of eac... 
Does it matter where a CD is manufactured?
There is a definite difference in CDs made in Japan and the UK compared to US. Check out any of those Japanese mini LP jacket CD's and compare to the U.S. version and they blow the US versions away. I bought the Beatles UK version of the White Alb... 
VPI Magic Brick or Webster's Dictionary
I have the VPI bricks and the best part about them is giving them to a friend seeing the system for the first time. Watching them almost drop the small brick because of its weight is worth owning them. Watching the expression when explaining the b... 
Is there a cd player that sounds close to an LP?
I second Taters response above. The engineering and production of the LP or CD really does determine how it will sound on a high end system. I have remastered Rudy Van Gelder produced jazz CD's originally recorded in the late 50's that kill stuff ... 
Power conditioner for Krell Mono Block?
I am not sure which series of Krell mono block amp you have, but the FPB has some sort of conditioner designed into the amp to address fluctuating AC power. I have the Krell 650mono's plugged into 30amp dedicated lines, but with a 20 amp plug conf... 
Krell Cast Interconnect Upgrade - Tara, Kimber etc
Mike, I have the KPS-25sc and had used Transparent Reference interconnects between the KPS and my 650mc's. I bought a used pair of Transparent's CAST cable for around $300 and was pleasantly surprised how they trashed my Reference, which is a grea... 
I am currently looking to buy a multi amp
Check out the Parasound 2205 which is 5 channel 220/ch. JOhn Curl designed. Brand new they can be had for $2k and come with a ten year warranty. Best bang for the buck. Parasound has the Halo amps now, so you can find good deals on the 2205. Blows... 
Fun and Adventure in Hong Kong?
Go to the Ocean Mall, I believe it is called in Kowloon. There you will find high end audio stores all on the same floor with unbelievable equipment, but not necessarily great listening environments. In most cities you have to drive all over town ... 
Save a vinyl newbie, please
Until you get it right, lay off playing your best lps. No use having to replace them due to permanent damage. 
Review: Krell KSA-150 Amplifier
Marcus, great job and great deal on the KSA-250. It is a superb amp and was my first Krell. However, I lived in AZ at the time and in the summer, the heat it produced was too much, so I traded it in for the FPB. Winters in Paris can be cold, but n...