
Responses from hifimaniac

Speakers that are matched well with Krell
At one time I had B&W801 MatrixIII's with a a Krell KRC-HR and Krell KSA-250 and then the FPB-300. Krell is one of the few amps that can control the 12inch woofer on the 801's. The sound was excellent. I now have the 650MC mono's, KPS-25sc run... 
How old is too old ?....
I too loved the KEF104.2 as they were my first real high end speaker, but I agree with many others that you will allow the quality of your front end and amps shine with a newer model. The tweeters in the 104.2 were as clear as mud and the bass was... 
Best Concert DVD
Stevie Ray Vaughn live at Austin City limits is fantastic. 
RCA phono interconnects for Low Output MC
Krellboy, I have the KPS-25SC into the 650MC amps into Wilsons and just acquired the Harmonic Tech silver phono cable and can tell you I am very pleased with the sound. I bought a 2meter pair and the dealer gave it to me for $600 bucks which is $1... 
Sub to match with Aerial 10Ts
Forget my earlier thread to forget the Rel and Talon ROC in favor the Wilson WatchDog...go buy the Krell Master Reference Subwoofer...400lbs and 400 watt amp for real bass sound. Use both kids college funds for this one. 
Need a speak/amp compatibility opinion.......
With BAT electronics, any speaker will sound fantastic, even Polks. 
Sub to match with Aerial 10Ts
Forget the REL and Talon ROC, go for the Wilson WatchDog..it only costs $10k. Raid the kids college fund, they'll never know the difference. 
Have you ever broken the needle?
Loved your thread as I just had my Van den hul Grasshopper returned to me after four month visit to Neatherlands for new cantilever and stylus. I can't believe how long it took. MY maids while dusting dusted it right off. It was all I could do to ... 
shipping speakers
Call Carl Menici at Surf Air in Boston, MA. He can arrange a shipment that is reasonable, insured and prompt. 
Best Place To Buy VMPS New or Used?
Buy from Brian Cheney direct. His company is Itone Audio in El Sobrante, CA. Great guy and great value in speakers. Not the most refined sound, but big sound stage and best bass you will get without spending megabucks. 
A great SS preamp with separate power supply
Look for a Rowland Consummate Preamp. You won't see them on audiogon often because the sound is superb, the remote the absolute best on a remote stereo system and quality second to none. I owned one for years and sold it because I wanted to try so... 
Monster Cable Kicks Butt?
Marr, I was only trying to induce audionervosus! Your equipment is fine and so is Monster CAble. I agree, if you can find great sound from reasonable priced equipment, cable, isn't that the goal? Happy listening. 
Theta Gen VIII - primed to jump 4 years ahead
Theta has always built superb, fairly priced digital equipment. What you are suggesting will most likely be true. 
Monster Cable Kicks Butt?
Of course your Monster cables sound as good as your $1200 cables because your electronics are closer to midfi than high end and can't allow you to hear the difference between the two cables. When you upgrade your front end and electronics someday,... 
Just purchased Wilson Maxx's. Now what ?? Amps?
In response to Cornfedboys comments on Wilson using the Nagra equipment, that may be true, but Wilson uses a lot of equipment. In the past Dave has favored the Levinson amps and Audio Research Pre and Krell amps. However, now that Krell is buildin...