
Responses from hifimaniac

Upgrade bug - speaker choice and your opinion
Since you have subwoofers, I can highly recommend the Harmonic Precision Caravelles from Star Technologies. This is truly an amazing monitor with incredible dynamics, beautiful musicality and the sweetest high end I have ever heard. I have had the... 
Krell Fpb 600 power amp
Your bass will be superb and sound stage effortless sounding with the fpb600. I owned one before I bought my monos and it was superb. Let us know how you like it. 
What to consider with used Sota Sapphire??
Hey Doodledog, I had a Star Sapphire III with vacuum pump and moved into a house no more than a mile away from the old one. I thought, what the heck, its just a mile, and put the Sota on my lap driving and tried to hold the suspension from bouncin... 
Tubed preamp suggestions?
You must put VAC Phi 2.0 Master Control preamp on your list. This preamp hasn't been reviewed, but it is superb. The phono stage included is incredible also. You can read a lot of reviews on Kevin's integrated Phi stuff which is basically the Phi ... 
plauged by off center image, am I insane?
Eldartford, you obviously don't know the art of proper set up to get not just good sound, but the best sound. Go check Cardas website or Wilson website for proper speaker set up as they clearly state the procedure. I am referring to speaker with c... 
Krell FPB350MCX Amps
I ditto everything Gillar has stated and I too am on my fourth set of Krells. The 750mcx's with the CAST are unbelievable. Check out my pix and see the tubes I am selling. I couldn't live with them more than six months. It was like an affair...rea... 
plauged by off center image, am I insane?
I had that problem for a while and then realized that one speaker was 1.5 inches closer than the other and had more toe in. I adjusted the speakers by measuring from the woofer to my chin while sitting in my listening chair. I made sure each speak... 
best wife friendly monitor?
Cryo tubes...Are they worth it??
Not at that price! Hey, cryoed tubes do sound better. I had mine done by a guy who does it for many manufacturers and probably many of the people selling on audiogon. Go to www.cryogenicsinternational.com in Scottsdale and talk to Charles. If you ... 
Best equip stands
Thank you TWL for explaining what my limited vocabulary couldn't articulate about your stands. And, thank you for mentioning the most important point about the sistrum stand that it takes 3-5 days to settle in. I am still amazed how good the sound... 
Krell, Krc-3, Krc, and Krc-Hr "What's your taste"
Richard,One person says the KRC-HR is better than the KCT and you take it as gospel? There are many more that would argue for the KCT! I don't doubt the KRC-HR runs quiet, I had one, but its soundstage is more diffused than the KCT which has much ... 
Best equip stands
Sistrum equipment racks and amp stands are fantastic. They truly eliminate airborne resonance, isolate perfectly and clean up the midrange and soundstage beautifully. Money back guarantee makes it risk free. 
Krell, Krc-3, Krc, and Krc-Hr "What's your taste"
DrDiamond,what people think the KRC-HR is better than the KCT? I owned the KRC-HR and it is better than the 3, but the KCT is the most dynamic, musical and quiet preamp Krell has ever built. It was a hugh improvement over my KPS-25SC whose preamp ... 
Krell, Krc-3, Krc, and Krc-Hr "What's your taste"
If you're going to upgrade your CD and Preamp and stay with Krell, you would be best to buy either a KCT and KPS-28C or one of the KPS-25SC one box, preamp, CD. I owned the 25SC and it is superb digital and preamp, much better than what you own. Y... 
Is hdcd worth having ??
Check out hdcd.com and you will be surprised how many CDs are mixed in HDCD and don't even make reference on the jewell box. I like the fact my CDP has the chip, it does make a difference.