
Responses from hifimaniac

Why "Cryo" anything?
I have personally had good and bad experience with cryogenically treating stuff. I personally believe in doing CD's and DVD's and some cabling, however, I would understand the construction of your cables, the insulation and adhersives they may use... 
Krell preamps which one?
As on a former owner of the KRC-HR, KPS-25SC and KCT, I'd go KCT first, then KRC-HR. The HR is superior to the KRC only. KRC-HR is very neutral, dynamic and detailed without being too fatiguing. 
Any fellow VAC Phi 220 owners out there? Thoughts?
Fsarc. I own the PHI 220's and the PHI Master control 2.0 preamp. Kevin told me it would take around 200 hours to break in, so I gave it some time. However, during that 200 hour wait I cryoed my cabling and put it back in the system. The VAC never... 
Anyone hear the Caravelle speaker and not like it?
Pal, I'll answer your question of tubes or solid state having heard the Caravelles with my Krell and Scotts VAC, go with tubes...the musicality, inner detail and lushness is the best. I have to admit, I have never enjoyed my Krell more than with t... 
Anyone hear the Caravelle speaker and not like it?
onhwy61, In my review, I didn't say the Caravelle's alone had better bass than my MAXX, but the bass that was there was deep, full, dynamic and detailed for a 7 inch woofer, but bettered with a subwoofer. If you saw my pictures you will see I adde... 
Cryo-treating CDs?
Guitarplayer, Kevin says the eltrolytic caps look okay, but I a taking your advice as they could fail at any time. I have requested a quote to replace them all to make sure they are at peak performance. Thanks for the tip as my units are there now. 
Cryo-treating CDs?
Guitarplayer, Charles did my Sonoran cables and the pvc lining inside that coats the wire was shattered and the microbearing steel that shields the entire cable was in contact with the copper wire inside. As a result the entire soundstage collapse... 
Cryo-treating CDs?
I guess all you guys missed my thread on this one. Call Charles at Cryogenics International in Scottsdale, AZ. Website:www.Cryogenicsinternational.com. When I have been in his shop I have noticed some well know merchandise being treated for the ma... 
Anyone hear the Caravelle speaker and not like it?
Hey Pal, please give the Caravelle a good 400 hours of break in and then let us all know if we were full of...or if we all heard the same fantastic sound. You are going to love this speaker. Get them out from the walls so they can breath their mag... 
Anyone hear the Caravelle speaker and not like it?
The Caravelle still sound excellent at low volumes due to the size of the cones. You need to find a pair to listen to. If you are in AZ, write me or Scotty333, the owner of the pair I listened to and he will arrange an audition. 
Anyone hear the Caravelle speaker and not like it?
I wrote an extensive review of the Caravelle after living with my friend's pair in my listening room for three weeks. Does the bass outdo my Wilson MAXX? In my room where the MAXX's 10 and 12 inch woofers can't open up because the room is too smal... 
Review: Harmonic Precision Caravelle Speaker
I apologize to designer Brent Riehl, for mis-spelling his name above. A new rising star in audio needs to have his name in print correctly stated. So it is Riehl, not Real, although he is for real! 
Any validity to cryo'd tubes in phono stage?
You can have your tubes cryogenically treated by Cryogenics international in Scottsdale for a very reasonable price. It makes tubes quieter and last longer. Call Charles there and he'll explain everything you need to know. 
Subwoofer Isolation, what do you think...
Look into Sistrum stands for the subwoofer. It will isolate it beautifully and improve it sound.www.audiopoints.com 
FPB 300 vs 600 - Incremental or Fundamental?
I've owned both amps and the 600 stomps the 300 sonically! I am amazed by the other responses that there isn't any Wow factor. My experience was different. The 600 never fatigues and sounds effortless. You can never have too much power and the 600...