
Responses from hifimaniac

Best moderately priced tube amp stands?
Without a doubt the best tube amp stand is the Sistrum SP-101's. This stand raised the performance of my system to a new level. I am a believer! www.audiopoints.com is the website. 
Good Tube amp to drive B&W Matrix 801's
Rocky, I owned this speaker years ago and the Matrix are very current hungry and in my opinion are better served by a high quality solid state amp that can control the 12 inch woofer. Tube watts are more powerful than the stated power rating, but ... 
Drying sand in the oven- anyone try it?
Use Silica instead or Star Technology's microbearing. 
Just FREEZE it?.......................
Charles did all my CDs and DVDs and my cables and some power supplies. I am a believer, it is an incredible tweek for CDs, but as I have mentioned before, understand your cables construction before you do it as my Sonoran cable was ruined because ... 
Attention to anyone on Texas Gulf Coast
Global warming Swampwalker? Check out the article in the Financial Times and the Investors Business Daily recently that state global warming is not causing these hurricanes. In fact, Stanley Goldenberg, a meteorologist at National Ocean and Atmosp... 
H.P.Caravelles owners, are you still Satisfied.
Hey Dlwask, I didn't have to sell the MAXX! I owned them for five years! The Caravelle sounded better; more musical, just as dynamic, but not without a subwoofer. You will need a sub (preferably 15inches or bigger) to get to 95% of the MAXX. Now, ... 
H.P.Caravelles owners, are you still Satisfied.
Hey Krell man, I used to be a Krell man! You hit the nail on the head, the Caravelle is so easy to listen to and is extremely musical. It sounds best with a subwoofer in a bigger room such as my present room, but I have heard it in smaller rooms a... 
H.P.Caravelles owners, are you still Satisfied.
Caravelle's are the best kept secret in audio. I sold my $40K MAXX's for a pair matched with a sub and I haven't been disappointed in the least. Read my review. They take a looong time to break in, but put out an amazingly musical sound, wide and ... 
The most emotional amp out there?
VAC Phi Beam power 220 monoblocks! The best ever! 
Watt/Puppy 7 or Sophia?
Go with the 7's. The 7's come very close to the original MAXX in dynamics and imaging. The 7 is by far the best Watt/Puppy series ever. As you upgrade your electronics, the 7's will do nothing but reveal the upgrades you make more apparent. You wi... 
VAC Ren II, VAC Phi, or ARC Ref 3?
Hi Guido, the PHI 2.0 does come with a MC and MM phono section standard on the unit and it is superb. I sold my beloved Vendetta Research and Krell KPE Reference preamps once I heard Kevin's phono stage. Kevin told me he is an analog fan! Also, to... 
VAC Ren II, VAC Phi, or ARC Ref 3?
I believe it was the VAC Ren II and the VAC PHI 110 stereo amp I first listened to when I heard the VAC equipment at the friend who lead me to the PHI series. Email me direct and I will give you my friend's email to write. Scott will gladly email ... 
VAC Ren II, VAC Phi, or ARC Ref 3?
I echo Frank's (FSARC) comments exactly. I can't add anything to his description. He and I have the PHI 2.0 and the VAC 220 Beam Power amplifiers. It is the best of tubes and solid state rolled into one. It isn't a reproduction of the recording yo... 
Micro-bearing conductive steel fill vs. sand fill?
I am in the camp of Krell man, the micro bearing and the use of it in the Sonoran Cabling, Sistrum stands is something else. It deals with resonance flying around the room and helps to drain it to the floor. It isn't cheap, but it will add weight ... 
Does sound travel better at night?
My system sounds better at night too and I have determined it must be the quality of electricity coming throught the wall. As the neighbors and the city use less electricity, my belief is it allows cleaner electricity to flow and allows for better...